Chapter 33 - The Smuggler's Home

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~~ Celia ~~

She had never before been so grateful for a hood. Or, for that matter, that she happened to have thrown it over her tunic earlier that morning. Otherwise, she was nearly certain that she'd never have been able to get the fishy smell out of her hair. It was a pain to wash as it was. 

She was also really starting to hate the smell of fish. 

She'd never been overly fond of it before, but now, surrounded by dozens of cold, wet fish, and the near overpowering scent that came with it, she was starting to think that a skunk might be preferable. As it was, she just tried to keep her head down, her neck covered, and her hands tucked in so that no part of her bare skin was touching the clamminess that surrounded her.

Of course, that would all have been for naught if Alfrid had his way, and dumped them all overboard. Seriously, if she ended up being stuck in a barrel and surrounded by fish for nothing, just to end up being dragged before the Master of the town, she was going to hit something. 

And it would most likely be Alfrid. She had never liked the greasy-looking, sniveling man before, but if he turned them in, she would not be held responsible for her actions. She just had to hope that Bard could stop him before everything was revealed.

Speaking of which, she could hear him trying to bargain with Alfrid, while the sound of a barrel being tipped, and fishes falling into the ocean made for an unpleasant background noise. 

"Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard. Food is scarce," Bard tried.

"That's not my problem," Alfrid sneered, completely unmoved. 

"And when the people hear the Master is dumping fish back in the lake, when the rioting starts, will it be your problem then?" Bard countered. 

Celia held her breath tensely, waiting for Alfrid's response. All the while, she could hear fish falling into the water, and could only pray that there was nobody in any of the barrels being spilled.

Finally, it came. "Stop," Alfrid hissed, sounding none too pleased about doing so. There was a particularly large splash that erupted then, before a thud as an empty barrel was set back on the barge. "What was that?" he demanded. "What did you do?" 

"The barrel was heavy, Sir," one of the guards explained. "So we both decided to lift it and dump it overboard. Everything fell out at once, and made a large splash."

"Idiots," Alfrid bit out. "The people won't be too happy with you for doing that. They seem to be overly fond of their food, according to this buffoon over here. Leave the barrels." There was the sound of another barrel being set down- this one still evidently containing some fish, as it sounded less empty, before the soldiers tromped off the barge, making it shake slightly as they left. "Ever the people's champion, eh, Bard?" the Master's assistant spat. "Protector of the common folk? You might have their favor now, bargeman, but it won't last."

There was silence, then Percy called out, "Raise the gate!" 

Celia bit her lip as she heard wood and metal creaking, not daring to hope yet that something wouldn't go wrong, and they wouldn't be called back and discovered. But, it seemed they were in the clear as Bard stepped back on the boat and crossed to the side, seeming to check for something, before sighing and returning to the back, where he slowly began to pole them forward.

Not satisfied with the way things ended, Alfrid tried for one more parting shot. "The Master has his eye on you; you'd do well to remember. We know where you live," he called, trying to sound menacing.

Bard seemed resoundingly un-menaced, his voice calm and even slightly mocking as he returned fire with much greater accuracy. "It's a small town, Alfrid; everyone knows where everyone lives." 

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