Chapter 7 - A Long-Expected Surprise Party

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Bilbo hummed a bit as he finished drying off the last few dishes from his breakfast. He huffed a laugh as he though of what his neighbors would say if they could see him now - already finished with first breakfast, and no plans for having second breakfast. Some of them already thought he was mad, taking in a couple of young dwarves just barely out of the equivalent of their tweens. 

And if they heard that he had cut down from seven meals a day to three - albeit slightly larger than normal - because said dwarves had told him he'd be going on an adventure, where food would be hard to come by, and it'd be best to start getting used to it now... He shook his head, smiling. He could only imagine what his mother would say. She'd probably be proud.

There had been a fair bit of talk when word got out that he had essentially adopted the two young girls, but he had not been master of Bag End for over twenty years for nothing. Not only was he the head of the Baggins family, but he also owned and rented out nearly a quarter of the land in Hobbiton and the surrounding areas. As such, it had been very easy for him to put any gossip to rest very quickly. 

Although, he could still remember with a sort of wicked glee Lobelia's face when he told her that he was considering making Celia and Elena his heirs, and having them inherit Bag End instead of her and her husband. He'd allowed himself a few minutes to enjoy the look of shock on her face before politely escorting her to the door of his home, relieving her of the silver spoons she'd tried to make off with, and wished her a good night as she left, shutting the door firmly behind her.

Not that he had really made Celia and Elena his heirs - they had both suggested that he made another hobbit lad his heir, a Drogo Baggins by name. Apparently, his son would be playing a crucial part in both Bilbo's, and the world's, future. Bilbo had given in with no complaint. Drogo was a nice lad, and he would prefer almost anyone to Lobelia getting their hands on Bag End, so he hadn't really minded in the end.

Drogo had been bewildered when Bilbo had mentioned the idea to him, but had eventually agreed, so they had gone to the Thain and gotten Bilbo's will officially completed and signed. Bilbo had also gone with the girls' advice, and included a note in it that stated that if he were to ever go missing, they were to wait at least three years before declaring him dead, and carrying out his will.

He had also stated very clearly that the Sacksville-Baggins' were to get nothing at all. He could only imagine what Lobelia's face would look like when she found out that particular piece of news, but he could practically feel his mother's pride when he'd come up with the idea.

He chuckled, wishing he could be there to see the look on her face as he pulled out his pipe, deciding to enjoy some of the peace and quiet while the twins were away on a camping trip. Heading outside, he carefully lit his pipe, and sat down on his bench to enjoy the morning sun. Closing his eyes, he leaned back a bit to relax and just let his thoughts wander.

Only to start coughing as one of his smoke rings returned to him and flew into his face. He opened his eyes, startled. Standing at his gate was one of the Big Folk, dressed all in gray, with a gray beard to match, and a pointed hat upon his head. Bilbo swallowed in shock. This could only be Gandalf the Gray, the traveling wizard, who had come to offer him an adventure. 

Remembering what Elena had said about playing dumb, as it were, he forced his expression to remain blank as he said politely, "Good morning." 

The blue eyes in the old man's face twinkled back at him merrily. "What do you mean? Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or, perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning. Or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?"

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