Chapter 8

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-Get ready for the party! And a surprise!-

Chapter 8-

I woke up to the smell of bacon. Who doesn't like that! It already put me in a fantastic mood. I opened my eyes to my super attractive boyfriend/mate. I was a super lucky to be with him. My whole life had turned totally upside down. But it was for the better.

"Good morning beautiful." Emmett sang. He placed a breakfast tray with a rose on my lap. He was so romantic. It was definitely a nice change.

"Thanks stud. Sorry I slept so late." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it. Every female gets like that when they are marked. It's better than the heat. Oh shit, I didn't say that. Pretend you never heard that. Good morning sunshine." He exclaimed.

"What is the heat?" It sounded like something was going to explode.

"Okay will you promise not to get upset? Please?" He pleaded with a strained face.

"I can't promise. I get emotional easily. But go ahead and  give it a shot." I answered.

He took a deep breathe and began by taking a seat next to me.

"After a female is marked, it's only a matter of time before she goes into heat. It won't happen the next day but soon. Heat is like when you're on your period and you get horny very easily. You don't bleed but you become really hot. You're whole body will become super sore and your scent will call to all unmated males, and you'll want sex more than anything else. More than Nutella. I hear you girls love that stuff." He attempted to joke. Personally I don't like Nutella. My friend dared me to eat two whole jars and I got super sick. So now every time I look at it, it makes me sick. But at least he's thoughtful.

"Emmett, that's not so bad. It'll only be for a little while right?"

"Well, no. It lasts a whole week. And with you being the Luna, I have to lock you up in the safe house so no one will get you. I'm the Alpha so my possessiveness will go over the edge. I need to have you locked up for my sanity and your protection." He elaborated.

"Oh hell no! I'm not helpless." I shouted. I was not going to be locked up for a whole week.

"Babe, it's not up for discussion. I need you to cooperate. Please, it's for your health."

"No! I'm sorry I know we just started dating, but you are not gonna control me. I am my own person." His eyes turned black. Oh shit, that's not him. It's got to be his wolf. I think I pissed him off.

"Catalina, I am in charge. It is my duty to protect you. You are my priority." His voice was super deep and it scared the shit out of me. I slowly got off the bed and carefully walked over to the corner never losing eye contact. I sank down and watched as his eyes softened.

"Oh my, Kitty Cat I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He lifted his hand to run it through his hair. But after years of abuse I reacted instinctively like he was going to hit me. I shrank down further and let out a squeal of fear.

He looked horrified at my reaction. All anger left his eyes. He crouched down to me.

"Cat, I have never hit a women in my life. I never plan to. I was just going to ruffle my hair. I promise I'm not violent. My wolf took control because he needs to protect you. It's his only purpose in life, besides loving you. I will do whatever you want to make it up to you. I will sleep on the floor or wear a shock collar. Something, anything. Please babe, I need you to trust me." At this point he was on his knees begging. My heart ached to help him.

"It's okay Emmett. I just reacted from my past."

"Your past? Explain." He said.

(Here comes your surprise.......)

Emmett's POV!!!!!

What happened to this beautiful girl? Why did she look so fearful all the time? My temper couldn't be helping the situation. Damn wolf.

-Hey it's not all my fault.- My wolf argued.

-No it might not be but your genes tip mine over.- I responded.

He didn't respond. He just left it at that. Of course I was right.

"Emmett, you don't want to know. It's a long story and it's really bad." Catalina responded.

"Kitty, I want to know everything about you. If it's bad, I'm here to cuddle you and make you feel good and loved. Please tell me."

So she did.

"It all started when my dad left my mom. She never said why but it's probably because she never did anything. When I was old enough to work she made me get a job. Whenever I couldn't get overtime she'd beat me. It was just a little slap or two here or there. But then it got worse. She's beat me unconscious and to the brink of death. The day we met she had beat me unconscious. Just because I called her worthless. She spent all the money I made on her new addictions. She never said thank you, she never cleaned, nothing. I cooked, I cleaned, I went to school. But she made me quit to work full-time. I've dealt with enough beatings I was afraid to get them from you. I'm sorry I should have trusted you."  She said ashamed.

"Kitty, I understand. Maybe not the beatings, but the reactions. It's instincts. With my wolf I understand that. I apologize for not controlling my wolf. I don't want you to be afraid of me. I was serious when I said I would do anything. I will even sleep outside."

"Babe, I forgive you. It's not your fault. I'm sorry for overreacting, I will stay in the safe house."

"Really! That's amazing!" I exclaimed.

"On one condition...... You stay with me." She admitted.

"I don't know. Your scent is going to call out to me more than anyone else. I don't know if I have that kind of strength."

"You have to stay with me."

"Cat, my wolf will go nuts. He will want to mate with you 24/7. I can't take advantage of you." I said.

"I'm okay. Fate brought us together. We were meant to be and I will be okay. Please, you said anything." She pleaded.

"Fine. But no more puppy dog eyes. You're too adorable as it is. Now, we need to get ready for the party you have two hours."

"What! Two hours!! Oh my, you need to leave. Pick me up in two hours! Bye!" She pushed me out the door. I chuckled and went to get ready.


I knocked on the bedroom door right on time. My beautiful mate opened the door. She looked stunning. She had on a knee length aqua blue dress and her hair was curled perfectly. Her make-up was lightly done and she was amazing. I get to call this beautiful women all mine. I couldn't wait to show her off to everybody.

"Hi." She breathed.

"You look amazing. I don't want anyone else to see you like this. You are all mine." I said. I pulled her close and kissed her while my wolf let out a rugged growl. She smelled wonderful like vanilla and strawberries.

"Let's go babe. Everyone needs to know you're mine." I grabbed her hand and led her out back to the party.

Catalina's POV-

The party was already in full swing. Emmett pulled me onto the stage. He tapped the microphone and got everyone's attention.

"It's time for you all to meet the reason you are here at this party. I want you to welcome my mate and your Luna, Catalina." Everyone applauded as Emmett pulled me off stage and we stood off to the side to greet everyone.


There were so many people! How was I supposed to remember them all. And quite a few of the women, or sluts as I call them, kept hitting on Emmett. I WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE!!!!! How rude. I'm going to talk to Emmett about that tomorrow. Right now it was nearly three in the morning, yeah that late! These wolves can really party! I grabbed my mates hand and pulled him to our room to finally get some rest.



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