Chapter 20

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Chapter 20-

I sped out of the driveway like a bat out of hell! I looked in my rear view mirror and saw Emmett in the upstairs window. His expression pained me. He looked so sad and heartbroken. How could I do this?

I couldn't be with a guy that pretty much didn't want me. Maybe that's not how Emmett was feeling but I was. He had to go for that stupid slut.

Then she wanted revenge on him so she tagged up with Tommy and Britney who had also suffered the same punishment as her.

I think it would have been better if he told me before we mated. I don't think I would have been as upset because I didn't have my wolf to increase my anger.

Lacey was hurting too. I could feel my heart splitting and my mark burning worse with each inch we drove.

Thinking about how Emmett felt made me start to cry. I knew I couldn't drive when my vision was totally blurry, even with my new reflexes.

I pulled off onto the shoulder of the road and turned in my flashers. That way no one would come hit me while I was dealing with this grueling emotional time.

I unfastened my seatbelt and laid my head back and just let it all out. But that wasn't the greatest idea because I felt a car crash into my side throwing me and my crumpled car down the hill.


Cliff hanger!

Don't worry I'll post the next chapter tonight so you aren't in too much suspense.m:) Hopefully this makes up for my tiny updates!


Sold to My Werewolf MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon