Chapter 45: What Eleanor Wants

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"You can't put me in a one size fits all type of mold mom, I'm not like that. And while being your only living child, I would like to inform you that I had never originally wanted children, but after I met Adam, things changed. And now I can't get rid of Vlad's baby after being forced as a porn star for almost two weeks. I just can't." I sat on the couch, my legs crossed and a tea cup between my fingers.

"But Eleanor, you may not have chosen to get pregnant, but you are. And there is really no way to get rid of it without hurting yourself in the process. I am sorry honey, but that's how it is."
She sat patiently beside me, sipping coffee and eating a donut. "If you get an abortion, you can kill your chances of ever having another child again."

"But I just-"

"No buts, look dear, today Adam comes back and you can discuss it with him too, but I want you to know my stance on it. Have the kid and give it to Vladimir Claiming, He said he would take care of it and that's probably the only heir to his throne that he will get." Mom was laughing, she was lighthearted, taking this as a joke. "Although, he is quite a looker if you ask me." Mom grinned.

"This is serious mom, I don't want him to have my kid! I want to keep my kid and I want the father to be Adam."

"Then have the kid and tell them their father is Adam."

"You don't see my point," I began getting frustrated, "I don't want the kid realizing later that their father was Vlad. I actually. . ." A knock on the door startled us, I quickly ran to the door. My gut told me it was Adam, and it was usually right.

I quickly opened the door when my eyes landed on my brown eyed wonder. I quickly jumped in his arms as a loud oomph escaped him, a wide smile spreading across my face as he held my weight. His suitcase had fallen to the ground as my legs wrapped around his waist.

"I. . . I missed you. . .so much!" Tears of joy leaked out of my eyes, staining his shirt as he kissed my cheek.

"I missed you too." He pulled away slightly so we could be face to face.

"Before you kiss," My mother chimed in, " I would like you to consider the following. One. Get a room, two there are cameras hidden in the bushes right now and more paparazzi clearly followed Adam because there's a black van coming down the street. Three. . ." Before she said anything else, Adam and I had already sealed our lips together, the door was wide open and flashing lights were all around us. I didn't care. I would be honored to have this picture in a magazine.


We took a plane home. I don't know if Adam knew I was pregnant, but I would tell him later.

I didn't even know why I stopped using birth control. Maybe because I knew Adam wouldn't let anything happen. Or maybe I wanted to have his child. Adam's that is, if he would ever let that happen.

He seemed exhausted the entire way there so I decided not to say anything. For a while before my personality leaked out again and I began talking.

"Adam, there's something important I need to tell you." I began, his eyes were shut and his breathing was slow. He was in that deep sleep, the kind that only happens after a tiresome day. His arm was under his head, turned on his side to face me.

It would make it easier for me definitely to tell him, and I could later tell him that I already told him.

"So that day that I went for a walk, I got chased by a dog. I climbed up that fence and tried to get it to go away. . ." I was stalling, I didn't know why if was so hard to tell my husband that I was having another man's child. That simple fact is insane. I had never been so repulsed at sex before in my life. Even the thought of it made me want to puke, or maybe that was the baby. Was it too soon to start puking?

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