Chapter 6

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We got home late from the shops and I was still smiling at my ring.

We walked through the door to Elena and Damon rolling around on the floor, doing you know what.

"Elena!" I yelled, and hid my eyes into Stefan's chest.

Elena stood up, only in her bra and undies. She studied me closely, before vampire speeding over to me and grabbing me by the neck and pinning me up against a wall.

"Listen here you little 'me-look-a-like', you will never mistake me for that stupid bitch. I am way prettier." She yelled, both her hands tightly around my neck. I realised it was Katherine.

As I chocked for air I thought about it. My neck had been snapped enough times for me to get the idea that I would black out, but wake up again.

So I chose to think quickly, while her hands were still around my neck, I grabbed her head tightly and quickly jerked it to the left. There was a loud snap through the house, as her long, brown curls flew everywhere. Her body dropped to the ground with a thud, and I held my throat gently.

I look around to see Damon watching in awe, just jeans on, doing up his belt. Stefan stared at me, his mouth open slightly.

I cleared my throat quietly, "We, um, should put her somewhere before she wakes up. I don't think she will be too happy with me...I'm guessing."

The brothers just nodded, and rushed to Katherine's side, picking her up and dragging her through the house and down to the basement where I had found the blood when I turned. They seemed to follow my order as if one of them were next.

My shopping bags were all over the floor, but I had no idea where to put them, since I didn't have a room here and I didn't know when I would be going back home, and if I even was.

Stefan came back up the stairs and walked slowly over to me "I'm sorry you had to do that, and see that...."

I just shrugged and fake smiled weakly.

"You can, um, pick any room. What's ours is yours."

I smiled for real, and thankfully as Stefan helped me carry my shopping up the stairs. I picked a room and Stefan left me in peace to pack my things into the closet. The bedroom was old styled and cosy, with wooden floor boards and a big bathroom. It had a small fire place and plenty of cupboard space.

After I 'made myself at home' as it were, I snuggled down into the mahogany coloured bed sheets of the king bed in the middle of the room. I got into my pyjamas, which was a loose, white, and lacy singlet and just some black lacy cheeky underwear.

I tossed and turned in bed. Stefan has told me about how sneaky and manipulative Katherine is. What if she gets out of the basement they put her in? She will come straight for me, and let's face it, me snapping her neck was a one off chance. She is older and stronger, if she comes for me I'm dead.

I finally got up and walked down the large hallways to see if I can find Stefan. I was about to peek into the fifth room to find him when Damon appeared behind me, causing me to jump out of my skin.

"Damon... Are you done with Katherine yet?" I asked crossing my arms in a patronising manner.

"I didn't mean to, it was a spur of a moment thing, she manipulated me!" He yelled, looking, me up and down.

I shook my head slowly and listen carefully, to see if I could hear Stefan. I could hear slow breathing about 2 doors down. I sped off before he spoke to me more. I honestly don't know how I felt about Damon, he occupied my thoughts and I kept replaying the kisses we had, but seeing him with Katherine made me resent all of those feelings.

I opened the door slowly to see Stefan sleeping shirtless on his bed. I crept across the room and lay next to him, resting my head on his chest. He stirred slightly, but only to wrap his arm around me and pull me closer.

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