Chapter 17

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I don't know how, but I woke up in a bed at the Mikaelson mansion. I think it was Kol's room, but I wasn't 100% sure.

I don't know who took me home, because I fell asleep after I heard Kol say that sentence.

I felt great, like I was never almost dying from a wolf bite.

I was still in yesterday's clothes, which were stained in blood, so I decided to find my suitcases from Kol and I's holiday. I walked out of the room and down the hall to see my suitcases at the front door. I lay one down and found a new outfit, a red singlet and black denim shorts. I found a shower and quickly freshened up.

I wondered back through the house, trying to find the kitchen. I walked into the modern kitchen, it was white and grey, very simple, yet futuristic.

I opened the silvery fridge, and it was stocked to the top with blood bags. I grabbed a bag and sat down in the lounge room that I saw on the way in.

As I finished the blood bag I tossed it over my shoulder, I'm sure Nik has cleaners.

"Now, darling, is that any way to treat a house that isn't yours." Kol's teasing tone chuckled behind me.

"Kol!" I half yelled, jumping off the sofa and hugged him. He put his arms around my waist and lifted me up, spinning me around.

"I'm glad you are all healed, sweetheart." He said, caressing my neck where the bite once was.

"Thank you, Kol." I whispered, putting my head against his head.

"Corey! We need to kill Katherine." I heard a female voice scream.

"I am very happy to help you, let's go." I smiled at Rebekah. She was fuming, her face red and her hands balled into fists. I nodded at Kol and he walked into the kitchen.

"What happened?" I asked her, walking to the front door with her.

"Well, Matt is a vampire now, and I have a little tiiiiiny crush on him..." She paused slightly, waiting to see if I objected, but I just nodded. "Anyway, I have been helping him through it. I just found out that Katherine has been tormenting him!"

"It's okay, Bekah, we will kill her." I told her, hopping into her car. "I'm sorry I turned him, though technically Stefan fed him blood and killed him the next day."

"It's okay, Nik has already told me what happened. He is coming back from his werewolf trip with Stefan and Elena today, I think. He has loads of hybrids, just like the army he wanted." Bekah told me. "He said that his hybrids will protect his family and you, as long as we live under his roof."

"Awesome, hybrid body guards!" I fist pumped. We were well on our way to the Salvatore boarding house, about 15 minutes away.

"I think he secretly has a thing for you, you know?" She chuckled.

"Really?" I gasped, now that was unexpected. Although, Kol and Nik had argued about taking me home that night I got bit.

"Yep. He constantly talks about you, and he isn't on the best terms with Kol at the moment. I think it's because you and Kol are so close." Bekah said, glancing at me to see my reaction.

I just took a deep breath. "We'll see what happens."

We pulled up at the boarding house a few minutes later.

We walked casually up to the house, where I just opened the door and walked through. Bekah followed, I guess since Matt died they haven't had time to get the protection of having the house in a human's name.

"Damon? Stefan?" I yelled, putting my hands on my hips, waiting for a reaction. There was nothing after a few seconds, "I guess they are at Elena's house, let's go."

Corey Gilbertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن