Chapter 11

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*2 months later*

"You better back off, buddy." I said, standing up, balling up my fists.

"No!" He yelled, clearly a vampire, and old one at that. He was about 500-600 years old, Trevor, I think.

He pushed me, but I only stumbled back a few steps. I had only had 2 bottles of whisky. I growled, punching him in the face, repeatedly, until he was on the floor.

His face was covered in blood and bruises. He could barely open his eye and was coughing blood. I straddled him, holding his head down by his hair with one fist, and punching with the other. Finally, when he could no longer move, I tore open his chest and ripped his heart out. I lay it nicely on where the gaping wound was and stood up, smiling at my handiwork.

Sorry, I forgot to set the scene. I'm in a gross, dirty old bar where vampire usually drink. Except it was 3 in the morning and only Trevor and I were there, the bartender left us to close up. Trevor was so drunk he could barely stand up.

He was trying to get me to dance with him and it didn't want to. No matter, he is dead now. I sat at the bar, and continued to drink my third bottle of whisky. Over the past month after my departure of Mystic Falls, I have travelled around America, just random places.

On my travels I have pissed off enough supernatural beings to last a life time. Werewolves, vampires, witches, you name it. Plus the large amount of humans. My humanity is still off, leaving me to kill and torcher who ever I please. 

"NO!!" I heard a female voice scream through the bar. "Trevor, no!"

The woman ran up to his dead and beaten body, sobbing loudly, screaming as well. She had short, brown hair and big eyes. She had denim jeans and a brown leather jacket on, her black top barely showing.

"What did you do to him?" She asked me coldly, in-between uncontrollable sobs. Her English accent standing out.

"Well, you see, I punched him a tad, and he did not like that." I told her, after I downed my drink. "And then, well, I shoved my hand into his chest, and ripped his heart out. It was quite nice, actually."

Her face darkened with anger. She stood up and jumped at me. I used vampire speed to move just in time, or she would've given me a solid punch. She recovered quickly and grabbed me by my neck, and slammed me down onto the bar, smashing all of the empty glasses and bottles. The glasses that crushed under my weight broke into my back, causing blood to ooze out of the wounds.

"He was my best friend!" She screamed, her pretty face stained with tears. She pulled me off the bar and shoved me onto the floor. I landed on my stomach with a wince, it wasn't great getting my ass handed to me. I began to sit up, trying to push through the pain.

She grabbed one of the wooden chairs that was stacked up on the table, where the manager put it when he left. She smashed it over my back, making me fall back down against the wooden floor. At this point, I just gave up, I don't think I'll escape.

She grabbed a sharp shard of the broken chair and stabbed it into my back, missing my heart by 2 or 3 inches. I yelled in pain, pinching my eyes shut tightly. She snapped off the majority of the wooden leg, so the piece of wood stayed in my back.

She grabbed me by the shoulder and flipped me over so I facing her, still lying defeated on the ground. Oh well, at least got my fill of alcohol before I died.

"And this is what you get for taking away the only person that has stuck by me!" The lady screamed, her fangs protruding and her eyes red and veiny.

She lifted up the broken piece of the chair that had previously been stuck in my back. She moved her arm, ready to stake me straight in the heart.

The lady suddenly lurched forward slightly, her eyes widening in shock. She coughed and blood spilled out of her mouth.

"Come now, Rose-Marie." An English, male voice cut through the noises of the fighting. 

Rose-Marie gasped in pain, as a tear fled out of her eye. "I'm sorry" She whispered, blood still dripping from her chin.

Her eyes shut closed and her body fell to the ground, her head turned to face Trevor. I looked up to the mysterious man who saved me. He was holding Rose-Marie's heart in his hand, looking smug. His eyes were a very dark drown and his messy brown hair suited him.

Do you remember when I said 'everything went still around me' when I saw Stefan for the first time? Well this was like that, except this guy was THE best looking person I have ever seen.

I groaned in pain as I tried to sit up, but the wood shifting inside of me, edging closer to my heart.

"You must be a young vampire." The man frowned, squatting down to inspect my wounds.

I just nodded quickly, squeezing my eyes closer to try and block out the pain a little.

"I'm Kol Mikaelson. Let's get you to my apartment and fix this up shall we, darling." Kol said, picking me up gently and speeding out of the trashed bar and down through the streets to his apartment.

It was clear to me that he was a vampire, possibly quite an old one. But I wasn't scared of him, possibly because fear was an emotion and I had turned them all off still. I honestly didn't care that I broke Rose-Marie's heart by killing her friend, or the fact that I almost died.

"STOOPPP!!" I screamed as loud as I could. I gripped the sofa I was lying on harder.

"I can't, Corey, I'm, trying to help." Kol said calmingly. He was currently standing behind me with pliers, trying to pull the large chunk of wood and pieces of glass out of my back. I was lying on my stomach, yelling at him.

He yanked the wood out of my back, giving me major release from the pain. I let out a long breath and relaxed slightly as Kol went on and got the glass out.

"Stay here, sweetheart." Kol said, smirking at me and leaving the lounge room.

I looked around. The place was boring and simple, not at all his personality. He walked back in seconds later with a glass of blood in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Here you are, love. Now why don't you tell me why your humanity is off?" Kol asked, his dark eyes trying to understand me.

"Katherine Pierce." I said simply, after taking a sip of some well needed blood. "She threatened my family and made me."

"Well that's unfortunate." Kol muttered, "I'll tell you my story. I am an original, the first vampire. Nothing can kill me except one stake. I can compel other vampires and I have lots of annoying siblings that I think you would love to meet. "

I smiled and nodded at him that seemed like a great idea. "Yes, please."

"Great. Let's be on our way then, darling." He smirked, helping me up and putting his arm carefully around my waist leading me to the front door. "We are going to Mystic Falls."

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