Chapter 20

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I sat down at the park. There was a round-a-bout, slide and swings. The sky was grey and there was a gentle breeze, like it was about to rain heavily. I sat on a swing and sighed, swinging back and forth gently.

It kind of looked like the park in the third Harry Potter, at the start after he runs away and sees Sirius.

My thoughts strayed from wizardry and Hogwarts, and back to my messy life. I had just killed my sister, and ran away from the only people in the world that actually seemed to like me.

The look on Stefan's face when I killed Elena was replaying in my head. The way he had to turn it all off to cope, just broke my heart. I supposedly hated him and Damon, but I never meant to hurt them that bad. After all, they practically saved me through this transition.

I stared into the woods next to the park. They were deep and dark, and looked very scary. I decided to go for a walk through them.

I just passed the tree line, the eerie, misty vibe getting stronger and stronger. I stopped in a small clearing, where there was just dirt and grass on the ground. The fog was surrounding my feet even more now.

I was thinking about heading back home when I heard a branch snap behind me, making me jump and turn around. There was nothing there, it was probably my imagination.

I blew out a breath of air and turned back forward to see a man with light green eyes and brown stubble and short hair.

"Who are you?" I questioned, taking a step away from the random stranger.

"Your friend killed my alpha, and half my pack." He growled, "You were supposed to die after you got bit."

I remembered that night in the bar, it wasn't too long ago. How do they know who I was? I guess it was a pack thing.

I also recalled a crucial bit of information. Their bite can kill a vampire, even if it isn't on a full moon.

"Well, sorry about your pack, but my friends are waiting for me." I smiled, turning around to begin walking away. I was abruptly stopped in my path by another man.

"I don't think they will make it through the night." The new man snarled.

I pretended to gasp. I knew that the Originals (or Nik's hybrids) would kill any intruders, and even if they did get bit, it wouldn't kill them. I wasn't too worried about them, but it was myself I was worried about. Nik wasn't happy with me, I think, so if I got bit I might as well stake myself on the spot.

"Now, I'll help you join the afterlife." The man I ran into first growled.

I turned around and stood in a defensive manner, ready to punch at any moment. The man growled and stepped toward me, getting a gruesome set of fangs out. I went to punch him, but strong arms grabbed my hands and pinned them behind my back so couldn't move.

The guy holding me down bit into my neck, I'm pretty sure he hit bone, because ouch. He laughed evilly and toughened his grip on me, as I screamed and yelled in pain.

The guy in front of me kicked me in the stomach, making me groan in pain. Then he grabbed my arm, pulling it out of his friend's grip. He put it up to his mouth, and without breaking eye contact, he dug his teeth into my wrist.

I cried out in pain. I could feel the venom surging through me, going through my bones and making me weak. I felt dizzy and unable to stand, and I was using then guy behind me to hold me up.

I decided that the last bit of energy I had left in me I was going to use to kill these dirty dogs. I had the upper hand, sort of, since they wouldn't expect me to do anything like this when I was this injured. I imagine the vampire strengths and instincts would lead me through this, mainly adrenaline, I think.

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