Chapter 23

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I called Nik for the 10th time, still sitting next to Kol, waiting for him to wake up.

"Nik, please, just tell me where you are so we can talk about this..." I told him once more over voicemail.

I was properly dressed in my singlet and short, tight skirt, with all items of clothing on.

'The park, near where you got bitten by a wolf.' A text came through. It was Nik.

I sighed in relief that he was okay. I stood up and rummaged around for some paper, where I wrote a note for Kol, so he knew where I was going.

'Dear Kol,

I'm just going to meet Niklaus for a talk. I'll call if I need you, sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up.

Love, Corey'

I drew a quick heart at the bottom of the page and left it on his shirt, so he would see it when she got dressed.

I slipped on some low heels and a leather jacket and rushed to the park, where Nik was sitting on a bench. Funny, I thought he would be playing on the swings.

I sat next to him. "Nik, I'm sorry." I started to tell him.

"No, I'm sorry. I will let you have your time with him, maybe we will come together one day. After all, we have all of eternity." Nik smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

I smiled back at him, "We can just be best friends."

"I would very much like that, Love." He whispered back. We stared into the woods next to us.

"Have you ever heard of 'the five?'" he asked me.

"Nope, anything interesting?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Supernatural Vampire hunters. They have the map to the cure. I want to have the cure, and destroy it. How do you think I would get everyone like Damon and the crew on board?" He asked me.

I processed everything he said and though about it. "Well, they bought Elena back, tell them you want to cure Elena, for your Hybrids or something. They will do anything for her."

"That is a great idea. There is a hunter in town, Conner. Watch out for him, he has werewolf toxin. Whilst I was away, he attacked my Hybrids that I left here." Nik warned me.

"I'll watch out, thank you." I smiled up at him, and he smiled back.

"Come on, Love. Let's go get Damon's gang of moron's on board with the plan. See if we can't get them to help." Nik stood up, and walked out of the park, and I was in pursuit behind him.

When we got to the Salvatore's house everyone was sitting in the lounge room. Elena sat there, with a hot cup of something, wrapped in a blanket, with Damon one side, and Stefan on the other.

Everyone else was sitting around the lounge room, spread out across sofas and chairs.

When Nik and I walked in, all their heads turned from Elena to us.

"I see you've made your way back to your own body." I nodded at Elena, who glanced down to her body then to me.

She nodded quickly, and I noticed her wrists, they had burn marks around them

They looked like the marks that vervain would leave, so the must be the wounds from when Kol hurt her. She also had slight blisters around her hair line and on her cheeks. I felt a little bad, it didn't look like she was healing.

"Why are you here, Klaus?" Stefan asked, frowning.

"Well, I have caught wind of a hunter in town. The more vampires he kills, the further his mark that leads to the cure grows. The cure reverts immortals back to mortal, therefore returning vampires into humans." Nik smiled, placing his hands behind his back.

Corey GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now