Chapter 15

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Kol and I had started our 2 hour journey to the campsite this morning. He laughed when I told him what happened at the school. As it happens, Stefan's blood hadn't left Matt's system. Therefore, he has been in transition.

Nik took Stefan on a road trip to find more werewolves for his hybrid army. I think he has Stefan compelled to behave and do what he says. He also has Elena with him, for her blood. She is probably compelled as well, or tied up in a box. Who knows?

Anyway, Kol and I are getting away from the pressure of Mystic falls, so I no longer need to worry.

We pulled up out the reception. Where a young girl with curly, frizzy red head served us.

"It will be $74 per night for the both of you." She pursed her lips and peered over her half-moon glasses.

"I don't think so." Kol compelled her.

She stared into his eyes, captivated. "It's free. Here's your cabin key."

She held out a key with a key ring that said 'room 21' on it.

"Thank you," I smiled like nothing had happened.

Kol and I headed back to the car, driving through the campsite, until we found cabin 21. We dragged our suitcases in and looked around. It had a small, basic kitchen, microwave, kettle, sink, that sort of thing. Opposite the kitchen was a really small two-seater sofa, as a lounge room. Down the hall it had a bathroom and toilet. Then there was one bedroom at the end, with a small closet and Queen Bed.

There was a knock at the door, and Kol answered it.

"Hello, I'm just letting you know about the activities." The receptionist from before told us. "It is really busy this time of the year and you two took the last cabin, so you are lucky. There is a barbeque and campfire tonight, for celebration of our first full campsite in 10 years. You are welcome to come, it's on the house for everyone. I hope you enjoy your stay."

She walked off and Kol shut the door behind her.

"Are we going?" I asked Kol. "We could turn it into a vampire only barbeque."

Kol smirked, "That is exactly what I was thinking."

The big field where the barbeque and campfire was being held was packed with lots of adults, there was no children around because there was alcohol allowed.

There was a giant fire in the middle, with lots of people roasting marshmallows. There were loads of campsite workers cooking meat over a barbeque and handing it out on paper plates with rolls.

Kol and I headed over to the fire, staying weary of it because it can kill us, but still. There was a bunch of drunk adults stumbling around yelling and eating.

A drunk guy, around 25 years old, bumped into me, nearly making me fall into the fire. Luckily, Kol caught me before I could burn myself.

"Hey, mate." Kol yelled, punching the guy in the face.

The guy stumbled back, nearly spilling his beer. The guy got up and smashed his bottle over Kol's head, but Kol didn't flinch. He just smiled. He grabbed the guy and bit into his neck, making him scream until he was dead.

That's when Kol nodded at me, giving me the signal to start 'dinner'.

I grabbed the guy nearest to me and bit into his neck, feeding a little then ripping his head off. People were starting to notice, backing away and even screaming.

Kol stood up on a log and yelled 'hey' to get everyone's attention.

"If you escape, you will die." He yelled, sending people into more panic, pushing and shoving to try and sneakily escape.

I saw a young couple trying to sneak out through the bushes, so I vampire sped over to them. I grabbed the boy and snapped his neck, then grabbed the girl, feeding from her until she was drained.

I picked up two skewers that someone was cooking marshmallows on and chucked one to Kol, who caught it.

I walked up to another person and stabbed them with it in the neck, leaving them to bleed out and move onto the neck person. I looked over at Kol, who was covered in blood already, killing people without remorse.

I grinned and continued slaughtering the people, stabbing people as I made my way through the crowd to join Kol.

We got through about half the campsite population before my skewer broke, so I grabbed a cricket bat that someone had left near the barbeque. There were people still scrambling around, trying to run and hide in the bush, but we always managed to catch them.

Kol was busy feeding on someone, when a guy with a thick log ran up behind him. Kol's back was turned to the guy, so I knew I had to help him. I appeared in front of the guy, smashing his head in with the cricket bat.

Blood splattered all over me, and all over the bat, this was fun. I went around bashing people in with the bat, and Kol carried on with his bare hands after the skewer snapped.

Finally there was one guy left, in the middle of the field. He was kneeling down, as he knew what was next.

He looked up at us, "Please, don't kill me..."

I grabbed his neck and pulled him up, so he was standing. I showed him my red, veiny eyes and terrifying fangs.

I didn't make a move to bite him yet, but I just let him stare at my face. I closed my mouth, retracting my fangs and making my face go back to normal. His heartbeat steadied a little when I went to normal, but that's what I wanted him to do.

He blew out a breath of air. At this action, I quickly showed my fangs again and bit down into his neck, drinking the tasty, warm blood.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kol smirk, and bite down on the other side of the guy's neck. Together we drank the guy, until his body went limp and he fell to the ground.

I looked around, we were standing in the middle of a field full of dead bodies. The grass was strained in blood and so were me and Kol. We stared at each other, something clicked, like I had just noticed the chemistry between both of us.

He stepped over the dead body between us, still staring at me. He gently put his hand (which was covered in blood) on my cheek. We both leaned in and kissed gently and lovingly.

I didn't think my first kiss with Kol would be in a field of dead bodies we just killed, or that it would be so caring.

He pulled away, looking around at the field. "We should get home."

Corey GilbertTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang