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Chapter 3

"What the fuck?" I heard my brother shout in horror as I cover my stinging cheek with my palm.

I looked at the person who slapped me and I just saw her caked face.

Way to ruin my day.

The school's bitch, whore and everything that describes a slut. I would proudly hand her the award of the most sluttiest girl in this school if we had one.

Samantha Reed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted at her, my blood boiling in anger.

She gave me her hardest glare that she thought anyone would scamper away from her like a coward but I won't if she thinks that I would.

"You slept with Jace when you know that he's mine. Everybody knows that he's mine." She threw a fit.


"What the fuck are you saying Samantha? You know that I'm not yours, stop your pathetic wet dreams and accept the fact that you just got used." Jace piped in.

Bitch, served you right.


"That was a one night thing!" Jace shouted in frustration, arms flying in the air.

Samantha gasped and her eyes were filled with fake tears as she looked at me.

"You'll regret that you were born Sophia Hunts, I will make your life a living hell. I'll make you regret that you became my best friend." She said, every word dripping with venom.

"Sure, I'd be looking forward to that." I winked at her.

She flicked me her middle finger then she stalked off and swayed her hips side to side leaving me shocked.

"Are you okay?" My brother asked me worriedly.

I whipped my head towards his direction, I raised my eyebrow at him and gave him a 'duh' look.

He raised his arms to mock surrender before rolling his eyes at me.

"Whatever," I muttered under my breath as I walked towards the entrance of our school.

I was walking towards my class room while infinite thoughts swam in my head.

What did I do to make her despise me that much? She wasn't like that before, she used to be cheerful and carefree but now, she's a bitch. A bitch that only cared for reputation, a bitch who only cares for herself.

Before all of this happened we were like sisters, she's like the sister that I never had. Not until everything twisted-

"Ow!" I yelped out in pain as I bumped into something hard that made me fall down and land on my butt.

I opened my eyes to find Jace Carter, great. Just great.

"Watch where you're going klutz." He snapped at me as he walk away.

"Hey Jace, why don't you do yourself a favor. Open your eyes and watch where you're going so that you won't run into a klutz." I shouted and my voice echoed through the hallway.

He turned around and flicked me the finger before going to his class.


I got up and swatted the dust away from my butt, a nice day for me is officially ruined.

I walked towards my class, hoping that I won't bump into Jace again. Once I entered the classroom my bestfriend ran towards me.

"God, I missed you!" She squealed.

Well, here's my current bestfriend. Rebecca Cooper, red head, green eyes, deep dimples and definitely attractive.

"Me too," I chuckled at her giddiness.

She pulled away from me just when someone barged in the classroom. The person caused everyone to quiet down and swoon. I swooped around to find the smirking devil itself.

Dear Lord, please help me.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on my chair, next to Becca. Seconds after you can see the girl parading over Jace, throwing themselves to him.

"Ladies, as much as I want to do you, we should wait until the school ends." He smirked at them.

I was gagging.

All of them whined which caused Jace to eye at them smugly.

Minutes later of excrutiating whines our teacher entered the class.

Thank God.

"Class, settle down. This quarter we're going to have a project. A project that will be done by pairs. And once I announced the pairs, I want you to work together and discuss on this." Mr. Brown told us.

Everyone groaned including me and Becca.

Who loves projects?

"Alright, here are the pairs, John and May, Rebecca and Dev, Cameron and Diane, Sophia and.."

Please don't be Jace. Please.


Holy mother of shit.


Hey guys!!

I updated since you guys wanted me to, I was supposed to update this when I finish Saved By The Jock.

But since all of you wanted me to update, I updated so tada!

Not a great chapter I know -.-

I'm sooo sorry. Guys can you do me a favor, can you pretty please wait for me to finish my other story so that I can concentrate, I promise after that story is done I will update this.

Love lots! Thank you for understanding!:)

-ohhlala_77 xxx

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