Seeing The Movie!

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I was informed that dad could take me with to see Civil War even though like you get to see it before it releases, but that was around the time I got in my accident.

It was going to be so cool to see all the other actors that I knew like Robert Downey Jr., which is the other hero in the movie, and many more!

Dad told me to dress pretty, so I wore this:

I had put on some other light stuff like Vans (all black), perfume, SOME makeup, and took my phone

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I had put on some other light stuff like Vans (all black), perfume, SOME makeup, and took my phone.

You know, when you're done first and still waiting for your dad is a pain in the butt.

"DAD! Hurry up!" I shouted. "I'm a woman and I'm finished faster than you!"

I heard the door open and saw my dad in his suit and tie, and he said "I'm really shocked to see you already. You look cute tho like someone could start dating you and that ain't happenin'."

I looked at him with a 😾 face and he laughed.

"Come on, let's get going before we're late."

We drove to this nice theater and I asked: "How did you say I'm gonna be famous again?"

He parked the car and said, "You're already trending."

He got out of the car before I almost hit the car with the car door from opening it and said "Really!? You got me already in it?!"

"Yep, and it was easy."

I was confused before he gave me a cheesy smile and started walking to the theater while I followed behind from him.

Once we got inside, there were some people dressed up all nicely, and I whispered: "Thank god I wore this instead of that other dress..."

Dad looked and held out his hand before saying "Yep."

My tiny hand took his while he kept walking before going somewhere while some people were looking at me in shock and whispering.

"Ignore them, they are just always talking about big things, and which one is you right now."

"So how did you do it again?" I asked him.

"I just took a photo of you when we were sleeping on the couch and posted it on Twitter before it blew up and told everyone your Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and everything else."

I was shocked to hear, so I had to thank him in the most sensible way: I just said it.

"Chris!" I heard someone say.

Dad let go of my hand before giving I BELIEVE Chris Hemsworth a hug before I looked off to the side and took my phone from my little handbag and seen everything blowing up. So many more followers were adding me on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, even!

I was literally getting famous and I was enjoying it, but I couldn't let it out since we were in a public place. Don't want to embarrass myself, you know?

"Hold on... This is not the one, is it?"

"It is. Carly, I would like to introduce you to-" dad said before I cut him off by saying "Your Thor, which is basically the... fourth favorite superhero which is between Batman and Iron Man."

"Who said anything about Iron Man?" I heard Robert Downey Jr. say.

"That little one said it," dad said pointing at me.

I hit him in the hand with mine and said "Oh my god, it's so good to meet you! I've always wanted to see you in person, but I couldn't since travel wasn't really in my position before all this happened. Starting with him." When I had said that, I pointed to dad so hard with my arm.

"Chris..." Robert said. "You sure that this is real? You really did this?"

"Yes, and for good reason. Not just because, but for good reason, to clarify."

Someone said that the movie was going to start, and dad said "Let's go see it. You're gonna love it."

I smiled and walked behind him before getting a little concerned since I was the only teenager in this whole place, and it wasn't gonna be lit at all.


It was already one in the morning after we seen the movie and went to a place to eat, and it wasn't even interesting since they were mostly talking about a lot of adult stuff, but had to take it down a tone before I excused myself to the bathroom and stayed there the whole time.

Once dad and I got home, I left the car and waited by the front door on my phone and adding something on Instagram before dad said: "You all right?"

"I'm fine, dad. Just... let's get to bed before I pass out on the floor."

He put the key in the lock and unlocked the door before I opened it and went directly to my room.

"No goodnight?"

"Goodnight!" I said closing my door quickly after saying it. I locked it just in case and changed before getting into bed and hearing dad knock softly.


I charged my phone and went to bed.

I was just sorta triggered to be the only teenager to know. 😒

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