Real Talk

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I was really sorta mad when I woke up, probably because I was just not used to being around so many adults and not people my age.

I got out of bed and unlocked my door to almost forgetting my phone and went to get it from the charger and THEN left my room.

Once I got to the kitchen, I opened the fridge to get an apple and took it and closed the fridge.

I sat on the little bar chair and starting eating it while being on my phone and seeing everything happening about me being famous.

I already had around a few million people following Instagram, Twitter, and a lot on Snapchat since I know celebrities don't add back since it's so many.

There were some footsteps coming to the kitchen, so I got out of the chair and went to the back with the pool and sat outside before hitting the sunlight from my eyes, so I had to sit by the shade.

"Oh my god," I said sorta mad. "Can I not see the sun for once?!"

"Who are you talking to?" dad said with his head sticking out of the window.

"Well... maybe to people that would actually listen to me instead of older people!" I shouted and got out of my seat.

"What's going on with you? Why are you acting like this?"

I sighed and turned to him. "I'd actually enjoy my life instead of hanging with adults all the time. Something needs to change about it!"

I walked away into my room before going on my phone and watching YouTube.

There was a knock on my door, and then my dad's voice came through.

I got annoyed and decided to leave the house. I changed into this:

After getting on, my dad was yelling at me to get out of the room

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After getting on, my dad was yelling at me to get out of the room.

I took my camera and phone and hopped out the window to run down the street and go to the city. I realize that I had money with me, so I went to go grab a bite at the taco place. It was actually good when you smell the food from a good mile from where you are.


By the time I got over to the taco place, I got a table for myself and was waiting for the service to come and get the food all over here.

Few people were sorta looking at me for a while and trying to figure out who I was, and I kept going on my phone to post some stuff about what I was doing.

By the time my food came to the table, I heard a few people getting shocked for some reason, so I turned behind me to see what it was.

I saw dad there, and I started panicking a bit before I took the taco and started eating it quicker than ever and left the $20 on the table for the people to get it. 

I ran out of the other exit on the other side and heard my dad call my name.

Once I got by the corner of the street, I was stupid to go through it while the sign was showing a hand and almost got hit before jumping on the hood of the car and continue running while hearing dad shouting my name to stop.


I was by the little cliff that wasn't too scary to be at since you can sorta see the whole city there and it was starting to get dark.

This day wasn't really a good thing to handle since I was really trying to ignore a lot of calls from my dad and kept taking photos.

That's when I heard the police car coming close by my way and I was confused since I didn't see any accident or anything like that near me. It could've been an attack I didn't see.

I took a photo of the city before I heard a car door shut and I think an officer said "Miss!"

My eyes turned behind me to see it WAS an officer, and I also saw my dad there. It got me sorta scared to see them, but I looked ahead and saw the jump wasn't that bad, so I heard my dad said "Carly, can you please come over here?"

I turn to look at him and smiled. That's when I jumped off the cliff and landed on the ground a bit heavy since I had my camera in my hands, and started running away.

"CARLY!" I heard my dad shout like the Hulk.

My expression was getting a bit tired and scared, but I kept running away until I ran back home.


I was running home until I went through my window and got in to shut it close and change into pajamas and getting into bed.

I was just feeling a bit quirky today, and I hoped dad got a piece of the rare and sneaky Carly. It's lit when she's here.


I am really trying to make this understandable about Carly.

She gets a bit different whenever it comes to certain things, like this... She will get a different way of looking at one thing and become another.

It'll come again... You just won't know.


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