Teddy Bear

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Ever since with what happened with my mom trying to reappear in my life, grandma and Uncle Scott decided to stay with me and dad for a little while longer. It's considered a good trait to know who I really am, but I was just the quiet person for now until I could feel better.

Sleeping wasn't any joking matter since I literally stayed up all night and kept flashing photos of the dark with the brightness and tried to get a good photo of the wall with my little design of the picture I took.

Basically, I took the photo and had it edited all out to be like a coloring page since it took a lot of certain processes to get it on regular paper. After that, I just colored it in and it looked pretty.

My eyes were really getting to the point of the urge to shut and make me fall asleep on the bed without pajamas on. My camera was starting to get hotter by each passing minute, and I put it on the dresser and rested down.

I looked at my phone and saw it was already 4:54 AM, and I've been really wondering about how the school life would be starting pretty soon... I'm just happy it isn't soon since Summer is around the corner. Well, LA is always Summer to me.


My phone started ringing and I opened my eyes in fear of what was going on.

My heart was pounding in and out so quick that I had to catch my breath like I ran a marathon or the time off when dad and I ran around for a long time.

I took my phone in my hand and saw it was a number in LA.

Concern sparked in my head, and I answered with a hello as usual.

"Carly, I heard what happened..." I heard a familiar voice say. "If you forgot, it's auntie... I'm just calling since your mom's back in Boston when I had to go pick her up overnight. 

It's really pretty out here in LA, and I don't want you to feel any pain going on inside, okay? 

Just make sure you're enjoying your life as a teenager being famous for everything you got now with your real dad."

When she said that, I felt my heart go faster and I felt a bit of joy. "Yes... I said it, your REAL. DAD. It's just that your real pa was a type of guy to be in and out, never to spend time since he worked. Mom's just been acting strange ever since she broke out of therapy habits and started doing bad things..."

I opened my mouth and tried to say something, but auntie said "You don't have to say anything Carly... I just want you to know that I'll be here whenever you need a text, call, or anything in need. I might as well live here since I've been applying for a job out here, and I think I may have gotten it. It's just that I don't want to be involved with your new life, okay? Make sure you make it a new type of happiness for you without the pain bringing you to the shadows..."

My eyes started to tear, and she finished "I just want you to be happy, that's all from me. Remember to keep this number, and I'll talk to you whenever you're feeling down. Ice cream is the best answer for us, okay? I love you Carly, and make sure you behave the best you can. It's just hard to let go of someone that wants to do this a new way than what an older person thinks, but it's your life, and I cannot force you to be with the family that you hate. Be with your dad, grandma, and your uncle. Everyone around you is part of your life, and make sure they're around. I'll call you whenever I can... Remember, I love you, and don't forget about me..."

The phone call ended, and I looked at my phone home screen to see me and dad at the beach when I first got adopted and saw the happiness inside of me.

My eyes started to get more, and I started crying since it's just difficult to handle what auntie said. It's true, but it's hard to not see them anymore.

After the crying stopped after 5 minutes of letting it out silently, I got up and went to dad's room.

I looked inside and saw him still sleeping...

I looked at my clothes and changed into some pajamas to play it off:

Once I got into them, I put on the Ariana Grande perfume and felt so happy about having that

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Once I got into them, I put on the Ariana Grande perfume and felt so happy about having that.

I got out of my room and went into dad's silently, and saw him getting up.

I started laughing and crying a bit, and I wiped them away before getting questioned.

It was obvious to look, which is why dad asked if I was okay.

I shook my head and went over to hug him. He hugged me back and I rested my head on his shoulder and started crying.

"My... my mom is just nuts... I just want to live something right, not wrong..." I said into his shoulder and sobs.

My dad made me look at him and he said "You are living a right life. What happened is wrong, and I don't and will never have you suffer something like that, ever..."

He wiped my tears with his thumbs, and he said: "I got something for you too... Close your eyes, okay?"

I nodded and closed them with my hands over them. I could feel dad getting out of bed and I stayed sitting down and could hear some fumbling going on.

"Okay, you can open them..." he said.

I looked and saw a giant teddy bear in his hands, and I gasped before he set it down and said: "I love you, Carls..."

I almost felt like crying before I hugged dad with all my might.

He really does care about me more...


All righhhttyyy...

I'm sorry to say that you've reached the end of this Fanfic.

I know! I KNOW! It's a sudden end, and I never wanted to end this story, but I got other ones to read.

Make sure to read all my other stories!!!


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