Ariana Grande's Perfume Is Life

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Dad and I were out at a taco place. 

You know the one from where I went differently? Yeah, that one.

We were enjoying our time there talking about different things, and he was saying that what I chose was not the right thing. People my age were not gonna be around me, but I told him that the fans online could be one.

"That's not the same," he said. "Having fans all ages is just people supporting you of what you do. You're my daughter and you don't have a big thing that people know about you."

I looked at him all confused. "What about my photography? Don't you get me into that type of stuff so I can get famous or noticed by that?"

He laughed and looked at me being serious. "Photography is a good thing for me. Drawing can be iffy, depending."

I sipped my water and looked at him being pouty. He smiled and said, "Aww, you're so cute when you're mad."

He squished my cheeks when he did that, and I always say that I don't have chubby cheeks.

Our food came and I got excited and eventually ate it all.


Once we left, dad and I went by the park since it was sorta dark out and we usually talk a whole lot about stuff.

"You know, that star right there is pretty brighter than the others," dad said pointing. "It's gonna be a memory to take a photo of that, you know?"

I looked at him and said "I don't have my camera with me... I just wanted to hang out with you."

He smiled and I leaned onto him while laying down. We were on the grass since we wanted to relax.

He wrapped his arm around me and held me. "I love you, you know that, right?"

"I love you too, and I do know that... paw."

He laughed and kissed my cheek. His beard was sorta tickling me when he did that, so I got squeamish when he did that.

"What's wrong? Was it cause I kissed your cheek?"

I kept giggling and looked at him. "It's your beard... It's a whole lot."

He smiled and kept kissing my cheek while I was laughing a lot and kept saying "Stop!"

He kept laughing and so did I, and I felt happy by this point.

"Do you want to get ice cream?" he asked.

I shot up with excitement and he smiled. "That's a yes from you then."

We went to a place where they had amazing ice cream, and then I asked him to go to the mall since I wanted the Ariana Grande perfume.

Once there, I said "Why don't you wait here while I go get the perfume? It'll be quick as a mouse, okay?"

He folded his arms and looked at me with an eyebrow up. I smiled and said "I will! Promise!"

"Be here in less than 10 minutes, okay?"

I nodded and took off while he shouted "Don't get lost! I love you!"

I gave a thumbs up while running and turned the corner to find the perfume.

It took me like 20 minutes and when I got back, he was standing there a little ticked off. I don't know if he was really mad or not.

"I said less than 10 minutes, it's been.... 20 minutes?" dad said checking his phone. "You not gonna get the little treat I was planning to get you then."

I got a little shocked, and said "What treat!? What is it!?"

He was walking out while I kept pulling him and it was struggling to get him to stop.

"The treat was this!" dad said putting a pie in my face.

I literally fell on my butt when he did that, and I looked at him with a jaw drop expression.

"That's revenge for how you pranked me with that little suicide stuff. Oh, and I also forgot this..."

He even added a cherry on top of my head to make it better.

"Now you look like a little sundae." He kissed my cheek and tasted the pie with his fingers and pointed to the car.

I got up and walked to the car while wiping the pie off with my hands.


I woke up sorta scared and shouted a bit before realizing what I dreamed about again.

I hugged my blanket and smelled the perfume from the Ariana Grande and oh my lord... I was already in heaven and feeling scared at the same time.

My eyes focused on the door, and I got out of the bed to go to dad's room.

I opened the door slowly and went inside to see him sleeping tirelessly and I got on the other side of where he was sleeping, which was closer to the door.

I got in as slowly and quietly as possible and wrapped myself in the blankets.

I closed my eyes and sighed still scared, and I wiped my eyes with my hands and noticed tears were sorta coming down my face.

Before I could anything, dad wrapped me in his arms and I realized how warm he was. Oh my god, it was like hugging a blanket heater (if you ever had one before).

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"Nightmare..." I said shakily. "Plus, I'm cold."

He laughed and said "You're really cold tho... Omg..."

I literally looked at him and said "You just said that... That's a first."

He laughed again. "Better get used to it."

We both went to bed eventually but I held his hand that was on the edge of the bed.


Well well well...

We is already here on what...? Part 22?

That's a shock, to be here already.

Oh, and by the way:

There's gonna be a sequel to this.


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