On The Road

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Dad and I were passed out on the couch when I realized the both of us slept.

He was actually really cute when he was sleeping since he was laying on his back while I was resting on the side.

I lifted my head to see around, and I rested my head on his chest and stared at the TV to see the movie "Finding Nemo".

Eventually, dad woke up and I faked sleeping while he rubbed my head and I opened my eyes tiredly and looked at him.

"Hola," he said.

"Hola," I said back.

"Wanna go on a trip?"

"To where?"

"Six Flags?"

I shot up and said "No joke!?"

He smiled and said "No joke."

I was so eager with excitement that I hugged him for a long time and said "Oh my god! I always wanted to go for once!"

He hugged me back and said, "It's my treat, not the pie thing yesterday, okay?"

I looked at him and said "Yay."

We later went to Six Flags. I wore this:

Once I was ready, dad was waiting for me and we left the house to go to Six Flags! Oh my god, I was so eager to go there and I was already waiting for this day to be amazing! I even brought my camera with

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Once I was ready, dad was waiting for me and we left the house to go to Six Flags! Oh my god, I was so eager to go there and I was already waiting for this day to be amazing! I even brought my camera with.


Once dad and I got there, he parked and we went over by the entrance and eventually got in! It was really cool to be here for the first time.

THEN the fans started noticing dad and some even noticed ME!

We were surrounded by fans and had photos taken with them, and I was able to take a few photos with fans before dad grabbed my hand and we headed over to a roller coaster.

We first went on Scream, and that one was so much fun. 

Next, we went to Goliath, and that one was the best out of all of them except later on. 

Dad was actually enjoying the rides and the time with me since I loved it.

We stayed out there for the whole day and got a lot of food and went on Twisted Colossus for last since that one was the best and new roller coaster at the park.

After we went to that, I laughed and said "Oh my god! I love hanging out here! I wish we could do this every day!"

Dad smiled and said, "Well, we might as well get going since it's gonna be closing pretty soon."

I checked my phone and saw it was 9. "What? I thought the park closes at 10?"

"It does, and there are no rides to go on under an hour wait."

I looked around and sighed. "All right... Let's go home, but I want food."

Dad looked at me confused and said "We're going to go home and eat there. It'll be a surprise."

He started walking to the exit while I was behind him and murmured "Can't see that happening..."

Another road trip back to home took another hour and a half, probably two since the traffic was surreal on these roads.

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