Concert Night

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Holy shit!! It's an update. They say these are so rare from me that you'll only see them once every century. YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSESSED BY THIS NOW!!!

Am I the only one who feels that Yuri loves heavy metal? He's like that one kid who everyone thinks listens to pop and then one look at that kid's playlist and they're like "Holy shit..." and then Otabek is the one that listens to Sinatra and Status Quo and Madness and all the stuff no one has really heard of before.

Anyway...  This is Yuri and Otabek going to a FFDP concert because it seems like something Yuri would force Otabek to do with him.

The video is one of the songs Ivan will be singing.




The smaller one just nodded in acknowledgement as he scrolled through his Playlist.

"Do we have to go see this concert?" The ravenett hated going to heavy metal concerts. The only reason he ever went to them was because Yuri pleaded, and gave him an offer he couldn't really refuse...

"Why don't you like these places? You are a biker after all, and the fan Base is full of hairy biker dudes, they're your people!" The blonde boy responded as if it were obvious.

"Just because they ride motorbikes doesn't mean they're 'my people'."

"Just stop complaining Beka, we're going whether you like it or not!"

(Timeskip brought to you by one of my only regrets in life: not asking out Zaila when I had the chance)

The couple walked into the venue. Already it was packed with people. The concert wouldn't start for a while. Otabek decided to get them drinks, so that Yuri could calm down from his fangirl attack once he found out BABYMETAL were opening for Five Finger.

By the time Otabek finally made it back, BABYMETAL had started their much anticipated opening. The stadium was filled with the cries of obsessed, 30 something year old metalheads with anger issues and at least 2 motorbikes.

"All right everyone! Listen up! Are you ready for the show tonight?"

The crowd, included Yuri, who by this point was hyped up on a concoction of mountain dew, coffee and vodka which he had somehow snuck in, roared in response.


The crowd cheered even louder.

"I want to dedicate this song to someone very special to me... Fuck You Eliza!"

I'm never gonna live,
Never gonna give
Never gonna die your way
Fuck. No! Go away
Never gonna try,
Never wonder why
Never gonna change
No, say it, what

Never understand,
Never gave a damn
Never see it through your eyes
Fuck you, no way
Never understand
Never lend a hand
Never see it through my eyes

There's a fire within,
Hate to admit it, but I always knew
Violence and sin
Keeps me fearless
Keeps me from being...

You - so dated
You - outdated
You - so fading away
You can't take it
You just fake it
You are just in my way

I don't give a fuck about you!

I'm never gonna quit,
Never gave a shit
Never gonna walk away
Fuck you all day
Never gonna drop,
Never gonna stop
Never gonna fall
No, what, say it

Never understood,
Never really could
Never saw it through your eyes
Fuck off, no way
Never understand
Never give a damn
Never gonna change my mind

There's a fire within,
Hate to admit it, but I always knew
Violence and sin
Keeps me fearless
Keeps me from being...

You - so dated
You - outdated
You - so fading away
You can't take it
You just fake it
You are just in my way

I don't give a fuck about you!

Stand the fuck up!

I don't give a fuck about...

You - so dated
You - outdated
You - so fading away
You can't take it
You just fake it
You are just in my way

You - so dated
You - outdated
You - so fading away
You can't take it
You just fake it
You are just in my way

I don't give a fuck, don't give a fuck, don't give a fuck about you!


Applause poured from every corner, including a slow clap from Otabek.

(another timeskip brought to you by addictive Hitachiin Twincest fanfics that I have been Binge reading)

"That was fun, don't you think?"  the Russian turned to his boyfriend.

"I must say, I am surprised to be honest..."

"So you enjoyed it right? Which means I don't have to-"

The Kazakh cut him off. "Oh no Yuri, you still do... There is no way you get that for nothing."


Next chapter will hopefully be smut... As you can tell, Yuri promised Otabek something... Sexual.

ALSO, GUESS WHO HAD A GF WITHOUT EVEN REALISING!!! THAT'S RIGHT!! A GIRL THAT I LIKE SAID I WAS HER GF AT ONE POINT!!! Before her phone got taken away and she got a bf... Besides the point, I GOT MY FIRST GF!!!

Sorry about the wait...

Love you guys

-Arrow The Hamiltrash

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