Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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Quick Lil chapter introduction here:

"I'm straight."

The biggest lie that ever came out of Otabek Altin's mouth.

Of course, no one knew that. Apart from his boyfriend, Yuri.


That's what Yuri was.

A secret.

A secret because how dare Otabek Altin, Hero of Kazakhstan, be anything but straight.

He told this lie to his friends, his family, everyone.

When his friends asked him if he'd settled down, he would pretend Yuri was a girl.

When they asked to meet him, he'd say no.

It's a miracle that none of them caught on.

Maybe it was the fact no one wanted to consider the fact that maybe Otabek wasn't as straight as he'd previously claimed.


"Why can't I come and see them Beka? Surely your best friends want to meet your boyfriend."

"No Yuri... You can't come with."

The Russian just looked at him quizzically.

"Why not?"

"I'm not out yet Yura..." The Kazakh muttered.


"I'm not out yet." he said louder this time.

"Why not?" The blonde almost laughed. It was stupid to think Otabek wasn't even out yet.

"I'm ashamed..."

"Of who? Me?!" He accused.

"Yes. No, shit, that's not what I meant." But it was too late. The damage had already been done.

"No, that was exactly what you meant. I get it. Honestly. I do. I understand perfectly. You're ashamed of me." His bottom lip began to quiver and his vision blurred with tears.

"No, Yura, you know I didn't mean it like that."

"How?! How am I meant to know when you don't even know yourself?!"

"What do you mean?"

"Actions speak louder than words Otabek, actions speak louder than words." he pushed past his boyfriend and marched away.

A few minutes later, he came out with a packed bag and threw his keys on the table.

"I won't be needing these anymore."

"Yura wait-" The raven haired man reached out towards his boyfriend but it was no use.

"Don't call me that. Only people who love me can call me that."

"I do love y-"


With that, he slammed the door shut and walked off into the night.


So... It's crappy. Also, this doesn't mean I'm coming back yet. I've had good days and bad days. My mental health is all over the place and I've had to smash all broken objects due to the fear of picking a sharp edged bit up and slicing my wrists. I'm getting better, but I'm not in a good place. I am working in stories tho, I just need to get my shit together before I do any more long, descriptive, amazing chapters.

I might make this a fic, if you want.

Stay safe and stay clean. If you need to, find yourself an Autumn who'll always be there for you, no matter how many times you hit them over the head with a pillow, nearly blind them and give them Vietnam War flashbacks whenever they see a pillow.

Contact me if you need help, I'm always here for you guys.


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