My Relationship With Yuri!!! On Ice

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Hey, it's me, Arrow...

Long time no see... I know. I'm really sorry about that. A lot of stuff has been happening over the last, well, period of time since I updated properly. Let me get straight to the point...

I've fallen out of loop with the fandom... Extremely out of the loop. With fandom in general, for the most part actually. I've had a few more phases since I left, but on the whole, I've been pretty out of it with fandom culture. I would have told you guys sooner, but to be honest, I was scared. I haven't updated for a while, and I was hoping you'd all just forget I guess. Like, you'd lose interest in the mentally ill tranny with no motivation, falling grades, procrastination skills, and a serial killer obsession. I've kind of matured, and moved on in my life. Not that this anime is for kids... But, the way I understood the themes, it might as well have been. I was a young, depressed, yaoi loving queer kid who was thirsty for any form of queer representation in the media... Now, I'm still depressed, but I'm a more mature guy who realises that just because something has queer rep with 'complex' themes, it doesn't mean it's good. I'll still watch any new seasons, or a movie, but I won't participate in fandom anymore. I'll even like the occasional post and read the occasional fanfic, but, let's just say, my heart doesn't belong to Yuuri Katsuki and his adventures in the skating world anymore. I would have had to stop it around this time anyway, what with my GCSEs and all... But it just so happened that depression got me earlier.

I'll probably write more stories at some point, but they'll be most likely be about any new fandoms I'm in, or original stories. So if you like that, stick around. If you don't... Well, I'd suggest maybe unfollowing me (if you are). I've had a few messages saying I should come back to the fandom, but it holds a lot of bad memories for me. I get you mean well, but it's not just maturing that lead me away.

The bad memories aren't just a bad experience with toxic fans... I met my ex through the fandom, and he broke my heart. I lost my best friend while in the fandom, and it was what brought us together in the beginning... The memories hurt to remember. I had the worst depression of my life in the fandom. I attempted suicide so many times. I used the fandom as a toxic escape. I obsessed over it. I lost so much of my life to it. I want to close this chapter of my life for good. Hell, maybe I might return once I've finished my cleanse.

Anyway, I'm really sorry that I'm ending this book for good.

If you still like my style, stick around. If you don't, well, it was nice having you here.



PS: Have a picture of my new muse and current mini obsession.

Ticci Toby!!! I love him so much aah

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Ticci Toby!!! I love him so much aah.

I swear I'm mature.

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