Hamilton Pt. 1 - Helpless Version 1

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Mila is Angelica.
Yurio is Eliza.
Georgi is Peggy.
Otabek is Hamilton.

Yurio's P. O. V

I never considered myself anything special. I've always been second best to my sister Mila for aslong as I can remember. God knows how Georgi feels...

I looked over at my sister Mila. I couldn't help but laugh as she danced in the light of the ballroom. It definitely wasn't an understatement when they said she was the 'Gossip of New York City'. I envied her in a way. She was the object of everyone's attention, the goal of every man here.

"Come on Yura, dance with me," She beamed as she spoke. It was hard to resist an offer like that. "Come on, this is my favourite piece!" I could tell she was enjoying the music. She always got into this piece. I requested it especially for her. To see her dance like this was enough to bring a smile to anyone's face. She just became lost within the music.

Then, I saw him. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of quite possibly the most attractive man alive.

Immediately, I grabbed my sister's arm. "Yo, this one's mine," I whispered to her. "So back off!"

I saw a smile spread across her face. My heart sank and stomach filled with a sense of absolute dread. She better not do what I think she will.

"Mila, no!" I reached out again to pull her back but she had already started sashaying her way over to the dashing stranger on the other side of the moonlit dance floor. She made it look so easy, the way she moved so subtly to the rhythm that it was barely obvious she was going to approach him.

Each step she took was in time with the melodic tempo of the music that played. I could do nothing but sit back and watch her in awe. The amount of confidence she exerted was breath-taking. No wonder everyone loved her. It was hard not to. You couldn't stay mad at her for more than a minute, her beautiful blue eyes draining every ounce of anger from your being just by giving you a look laced with innocence. Although she was easily the most beautiful, she had the brain to best a thousand of the finest revolutionary soldiers effortlessly.

I stood there, shocked, my eyes glued to her graceful movements, unable to do much more than watch, utterly speechless. The crowd in the centre of the room immediately split down the middle, allowing her passage through the group of people as though she were a warm knife slicing through butter, all the while she just waltzed past them as though this was a common occurrence. I shifted my gaze from Mila to the beautiful stranger I had laid eyes upon merely minutes earlier. He pushed his dark hair out of his eyes with one hand and turned around, finishing the conversation he had been having with what I assumed were his friends.

Our eyes met from across the room. In that moment it was as if nothing else mattered. All I could focus on was him and him alone. The way he met my gaze kept me captivated, distracting me from the sight of my sister gliding across the polished oak floors. Unable to think clearly, I could feel my heart beat getting faster and faster, as though it were about to explode from my chest. I imagined him running towards me, screaming my name as he got closer, getting down on one knee to confess his undying love to me. I felt my face heat up at the thought of such an event ever happening.

Suddenly I was torn away from my fantasy by the sight of my sister approaching him. My heart stopped beating there and then. I saw her introduce herself to him. They began laughing and dancing with each-other, smiling all the while, never taking their eyes off one another. It shattered. It was love at first sight and she was about to take him away. She grabbed him by the arm.

I'm through. I thought. He looked back at me, smiled at me and I became putty in his hands. I was helpless. Just the thought of those big, brown eyes... I was drowning in them. It made me feel as though I could do anything...

I lost sight of them, causing my heart to start thumping in my chest with dread, the sound of my blood rushing through my veins filled my ears.

"I want you to meet somebody."

It was the sound of my sister's voice. I turned around to see them behind me. Mila was beaming, as though she'd planned it all along. She motioned for me to introduce myself to him.

"Yuri Plisetsky, it's a pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand and he shook it gently. He then turned to my sister.


"My brother." (Yes, I did make it so that they were both Plisetsky, rather than Mila being Babicheva... I was thinking about making it 'Schuyler' but decided against it, there's no point changing their surnames further) She replied.

"Thank you for your service."

"If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it." He leant down and kissed my hand. My cheeks went bright red, heating up at the contact.

"I'll leave you to it." I could hear the pain that laced her voice. It broke my heart to hear her, but I was too caught up in my own desire to notice at the time.

"My name is Otabek Altin."

His name was like music to my ears. Finally, I know the name of my true love.

There's the chapter I guess... I might write two versions of this, one where Yuri is Eliza and another where he is Angelica, because I love how Angelica and Alexander are soulmates but she gives him up because her sister loved him... I ship Otamila as well as Otayuri, so it will work no matter what. I also ship JJbek and JJ will be the Laurens in this story, so expect that if I make a spin-off boom... If you want, I can make this a book, as I love rewriting Hamilton.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm so proud of this, I got to write it at school... So that's good.


I have a bit of motivation back... The follow up alternate chapter would be like that but Yuri and Mila have been swapped so... Yeah. If I do write an extra chapter swapping them. I prefer the dynamic of Mila being Angelica because she's the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip within New York-

Sorry... I get carried away sometimes...

Also, one last thing... I feel a bit better. My motivation is somewhat back.

Stay safe, be happy, take your meds, eat, sleep, drink water and have fun. I love you guys.


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