Coming Out (Not A Chapter)

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Hey guys... Arrow here... Well duh, obviously it's me... But that's besides the point. I'm so sorry about not updating for over a month. I was thinking about everything and I have news...

I'm trans...

I came to this revelation after talking it out with my school's pastoral support team, the only lgbt friendly place I know offline. I know I should've talked to my therapist but she was considering referring me to a gender therapisty person and I can't have myself outed yet. I want to wait until I'm ready. Until I feel better about myself and more confident in the fact that I am trans.

Edit: I'm out to alot more people, I identify more with trans and  genderqueer (I'm a dude, just with a more androgynous expression and I'm not too fussed on pronouns. I still want to transition). I have a new name and everything: Caleb (Full Name: Caleb Rin Lawrence Patrick Finn). So... That's cool. Still call me Arrow tho...

Well... This is actually great getting it off my chest.

Anyway, stay safe, stay hydrated, love yourselves and for all my fellow trans boys out there: don't sleep in your binders or double bind or bind using bandages or wear double sports bras for more than 8 hours a day!!! I know dysphoria is awful but your safety comes first my doods... I understand and you will get through it.

I love you guys and I should be back soon, cos after I've finished my time of the month my mum is taking me to the doctor to get me on antidepressants so that should help me get motivated again. Good luck in all your endeavours my friends.

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