Camp Update (A/N)

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I checked the whole gay camp in Russia thing and... As far as I know... It's seemed to have slowed down a bit, if not stopped completely... So...

I wrote the first chapter of Camp!

It's done. I'm uploading the prologue soon, and I'll prewrite some more so for the next few weeks you can have a chapter update each week.

I'm really proud of the story so far, so, when you can, maybe go check it

It's really deep and the themes are controversial so... Maybe don't read it if you get uncomfortable by alot of controversial topics.

They're about 18 and 21 in the fic so they're of legal age.

The story takes place in 1982, in the midst of the AIDS epidemic in the US.

So, go check it out some time.


Otayuri OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now