Chapter 2

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Once we were at a safe distance and near the lunch room Rikkie asked

"Who is that guy?" pointing over her shoulder with her thumb.

"Alex, one of my brother's team mates" I replied

"He's hot" she said and I rolled my eyes

"Let's just get to lunch" Rikkie and I walked through two double doors and into the cafeteria which had a bar at each side. This is definitely not what I had expected to see this. There were round tables all over the place. There were windows from ceiling to the floor all around. You could see the outside where there were picnic tables scattered around. Some students were outside, probably the seniors, laughing, talking and throwing a football back and forth. I saw Rikkie walk towards the left and followed her, she grabbed a tray and picked about 5 different types of food and put it on her tray. I raised an eyebrow at her and she just shrugged

"How can you eat all that?" I asked and she replied with                                                  

"Fast metabolism" I nodded in understanding, she was quite skinny. I sighed and did the same as her but didn't put too much food on mine and it was her turn to raise an eyebrow at me

"Not that hungry" and it was true I wasn't that hungry. She nodded and the stopped at the end paying for her lunch then I did the same. She walked to a table with 5 other people. They were all different from her. For instance there was a guy with spiky hair that wore a blue V-neck with black skinny jeans. Next to him sat a boy that laid his head on the first guy who looked down at him with a smile. He had short blond hair and was wearing a white graphic shirt and red skinny jeans. Then there were two girls who looked identical only different between them was the way the dressed and hair color.

The first girl who was seating next to the blond kid, had a white tank top with a red blazer over it and white skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees and her hair was dark brown. On the other side of the table sat her twin, she wore a black shirt with a peace sign in the center and white skinny jeans that were paired off with silver flats and her hair was light brown, almost blond.

Next to her sat a third guy, he had on the whole 'rich boy' vibe. He wore a white button up shirt and tan khakis that were finished off with white high tops. His hair was black. They were so different. The three guys looked different. Each guy had their own vibe. The first had that' bad boy' vive while the kid next to him had the 'innocent' vive. The two girls had that 'popular' vive because they, like Rikkie, were beautiful girls.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet Noah Rivers" Rikkie said once we stopped at the table, they all looked up and said 'hi' in unison with smiles on their faces.

"Noah, meet my friends, Andrew" she pointed to the guy with spiky hair "Levi" she pointed to the boy next to Andrew " Madison" the girl next to Levi " Leah" the girl across the table " and Nick" she said pointing to the last guy. I nodded and smiled

"Hi" I said and they nodded

"He's a freshman like the four of us" she said pointedly at the twins and Levi who both nodded with smiles.

"So Noah, are you new here?" Andrew asked and I shook my head

"No, I've lived here my whole life"

"But we've never seen you at school" Levi said with a confused look

"I was homeschooled most of my life so that's why you've never really seen me in your schools while growing up" I answered and he nodded

"What made you come to school now?" Nick asked in the snobbiest way possible and I just rolled my eyes

"I needed a change" I simply said

"Well this school would have been way better without you here" he said and the whole table gasped at what he said.

"Nick" the twins said in a 'are you serious right now' tone with a glare he just shrugged

"It's true" he said

"You're out of line Nicolas" Levi hissed

"I'm ju-"he began when I cut him off

"It's fine, I should leave so you can have lunch alone" as I got up and picked my tray

"You don't have to Noah, Nicolas apologize now" Rikkie said


"Don't worry I'll probably go find my brother" Nick and I said at the same time.

"Who's your brother?" Andrew asked

"Jayson" and the whole table froze. Great, just fucking great. They're p-

"Really? Wow, your brother is like the coolest guy ever" Levi said with a smile

"Um, I guess so" I replied with a shrug

"You don't look like him, but you do look more like Mr. R- he's your dad isn't he?" Madison asked and I chuckled nodding

"Wow" they said once again

"What's so cool about that? It's really stupid that you are all so fascinated that he's related to a teacher and the school best lead receiver" Nick said with a roll of his eyes.

"Nicolas, what has gotten into you?"  Leah asked with a shake of the head

"Look I don't know what your problem is, but I'm sorry for whatever it is" and with that said I walked away from their table and out of the cafeteria room. I could hear them calling my name but I wasn't going to turn around. I don't even know that kid and yet he's already judging me. I sighed as I sat in front of my locker. My head leaning against the cold metal. Can this day be over yet?

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