Chapter 25

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*Three months later*

It's hard to believe that it's been three months since Ethan left and it's kind of getting to the point where I have started to believe that maybe being away from each other for now is the best because we can think of ways to actually come forth with our feelings. I started to realize that I want to be with Ethan more than I have wanted anything else in the world. Yes, I'm still afraid of him because of what he did to me the day he left to who knows where but I'm starting to think that the only reason why he did it was because he didn't want to go back on his word of leaving me alone.

Today was the last day of school meaning that I will have all summer to think about how I was going to confess my feelings to Ethan, again, if I ever see him that is. My parents have decided to take Jayson and I to London for the summer and I think that the reason why is because they want me to focus on other things other than just be cooped up in my room thinking about Ethan. We were going to be leaving as soon as we got out of school but I guess my parents had other thoughts since they came to pick us up half an hour before school let out which neither I nor Jay complained about.

"So are you ready to get out San Francisco for the summer?" Dad asked as we drove to the airport

"Yes" Jay and I chorused in unison making both dad and papa chuckle from the front

"Course you are" Papa said with a smile. We drove for an hour or so before we arrived at the airport. Dad and Papa got out of the car followed by the two of us and headed inside once we got our luggage from the trunk. One of Papa's employees was waiting in the front to take the car back home.

"Hello Ezra and family" he greeted and was greeted by a chorus of



"Hello" We walked into the airport with dad while papa talked to the guy about who knows what and headed to the check in line. We waited for a few minutes but Papa didn't come back so dad decided to go and check on him leaving Jay and I on our own in the waiting area of the airport. We snapped our heads to the sound of yelling and furrowed our brows when we saw Dad punching the guy who had been talking with papa outside. We didn't know what was happening so we decided to go check it out and what we heard as we got close had us stopping in our tracks

"DON'T YOU EVER TRY AND TOUCH HIM AGAIN OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL HURT YOU A LOT WORSE THAN THAT BUSTED LIP" Dad yelled as he hel papa behind his back while papa held on tight to the back of his shirt, tears running down his cheeks staining them.

"HE WOULD RATHER HAVE ME TOUCH HIM THAN YOU" the guy yelled, ok I really need to learn this guy's name because I really don't feel like calling him guy the whole time.


"THAT WASN'T WHAT YOU WERE SAYING LAST TIME EZRA" David yelled with a smirk on his face and I rolled my eyes

"Papa, Dad, our plane's about to be called" I said and the three grownups turned their heads towards us and my parents nodded

"Ezra go inside with them, I'll be in in a second" dad said as he grabbed hold of David's shirt and pulled him to his feet, Papa nodded and walked towards us and we walked to the waiting area and waited for our flight to get called

"Papa?" Jayson asked

"Hmm" Papa hummed in reply

"Did you cheat on Dad?" I asked since Jayson didn't have the guts to ask

"Never, he's probably mistaking me with my brother, Erick" he murmured wiping his tears away and we looked at him in confusion, we never heard of him having a brother

"Brother?" Jay asked

"Yeah, twin brother to be exact. Haven't seen him in like 19 years though; we stopped talking once I became a model. He always wanted to be one but when I got called about getting a modeling contract he got angry at me saying that I always steel the spot light from him so we stopped talking. But I believe that he got angrier than ever when he learned that I had a family something that he wanted but never got. I think he made David believe that it was me that slept with him so that he could try and break my relationship with your father. Erick has always wanted to have the attention that I got so I wouldn't be surprised if he slept with David. I know that he wants me to be miserable like him so that was probably his way of doing so but what he doesn't know is that Alec knows about him" he replied just as Dad came but in time to get on the plane since it was called just as he walked towards us

"C'mon, we don't want to miss our flight" he whispered as he helped papa up and wrapped his arm around his waist.


The flight from LAX to Heathrow was the longest flight I have ever been in my life. It was a total of 10 hours and by the time we arrived it was five in the morning. We headed to our summer house in London and as soon as we entered; we each headed to our rooms and passed out. I woke up later that day at 3 in the afternoon to the sound of the TV in the living room and my parents and Jayson talking. I sighed and got out of bed and headed to my bathroom to shower and wash away the sleep from my body. Once that was done and I was dressed I headed out of the room and into the living room.

"Well look who decided to join us" Papa teased making me roll my eyes

"How did you sleep kiddo?" Dad asked

"Alright" I mumbled as I walked over to them and jumped into their laps making them groan and sigh but nonetheless smiled down at me which I returned.

"What are we doing today?" I asked

"We are going to pay a surprise visit to the lads" Jayson said and I perked up, I totally forgot that they were in London for a few weeks before they headed out again to do their tour around the world.

"Can we go now, oh please please, can can we please" I asked hopping up on my dad's lap making him huff

"Calm down Noah, you're g-"he began but before he finished what he was going to say I fell to the floor with 'thump'

"Fall" he finished with chuckle making me pout

"Oh don't pout Noah, you did this to yourself" Jayson chuckled making me glare at him

"C'mon, get your shoes on so we can go see the boys" Papa said ruffling my hair as he and Dad got up to get their shoes on. I huffed but stood up from my seat on the floor and followed them to the front door to get my shoes on. Once we got our shoes and coats on we headed down the elevator to the parking garage where Dad's Range Rover was parked. Today is going to be fun.

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