Chapter 9

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Have you ever had one of those days that you just want to stay in bed all day and not give a fuck about what happens around you? Well that's how I feel. Today's my last day here in Miami and I have to say that I'm going to miss it here but as always good things always come to an end. My dad and brother are picking me up from the hotel and head to California.

More specifically San Francisco; I am so not ready to leave this place. It took all the will power I had to get out of bed this morning just to pack and shower. I sighed and ran a hand through my disheveled hair before grabbing my suitcases and duffle bag from the bed and heading out the door and down the hall where my dad and older brother are waiting.

"You look like shit" my brother, Isaiah, said once I was in the lobby. I rolled my eyes

"Shut up" I grumbled as I pushed through him and my dad and to the car that was waiting outside.

"Morning Mr. Davis" the driver greeted as he took my things from me before opening the back door for me. I nodded and got in and waited for my stupid brother and my dad to get in so we could leave. The plane leaves in two hours and from what I can remember the ride from here to the airport was at least an hour and half.

I sighed and pulled my phone from my pocket with my headphones and plugged them in before searching through my songs before giving up and putting it on shuffle. It's been a year since I've seen my mom and my other brother, Jacob, and been to school. The whole time that I've been here I've been doing online classes so that I won't be behind once I return to school in two days. I am so not ready for that. I closed my eyes and just blocked the world around me for the hour and half that it took to get to the airport.


I woke up to someone shaking me roughly making me groan and open my eyes to see Isaiah hovering over me

"What?" I asked taking the headphones off of my ears

"Get up, we're here" he replied moving off of me and standing next to the car. I sighed and got out and followed my dad and brother to the entrance of the airport with the chauffer trailing behind us with our things. I stopped seeing the Adam had trouble caring everything.

"Here let me take my things" I said taking them from him and he shook his head saying that he could take them. I raised an eye brow as he struggled to carry them inside. I shook my head and took my things from him and walked inside. As soon as we entered the lobby I was mobbed by fans, I groaned and pulled my hoody over my head just like my dad and Isaiah did.

You might not know me; my name is Ethan Davis third Davis to win the UFC championship. I have two older brothers and a baby sister on the way. I have dark brown hair that is in buzz cut with green eyes. I'm the third son to Rocco and Maribel Davis. My mom used to be a famous model while my dad was former UFC champ when he was in his younger days. As I mentioned I have two brothers who are older than me. Isaiah being the oldest of the three, at 25 and Jacob the second oldest at 19 then there's me at 17.

Isaiah is a father of three boys and is married to Victoria's secrets model, Rachel Sanchez. She is a beauty that's all I have to say and the boys are just as breathtaking as her and my brother, Isaiah. They look just like their dad minus the eyes, they got that from Rachel. Being in the family business is tough; I mean I'm the youngest of the Davis' to be a champion in UFC and not to mention the only gay son. No one knows that I'm gay except for a really close friend of mine, his name's Tyler Johnson. We've known each other since our diapers days how close we are. He doesn't judge me like I know my parents and brothers would.

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