Chapter 20

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Days and nights, I dream of the day that Ethan would wake up, but every time that I go see him, he's still in his coma. It's been nearly a month a since his accident and yet nothing has changed. The doctors say if he doesn't wake up from the coma in the next three to four weeks then it's most likely that he won't wake up ever. That thought terrified me to the core; I didn't want to see him being lowered to the ground and never see his smile or the brightness of his eyes again. Going to school every day and not see him there hurt because the thought of actually never seeing him again scared me even more than I had ever thought it would. I sighed and kept walking down the hall towards my class, but that didn't go as well as I was soon pushed against a locker and a voice saying

"Where are your bodyguards, loser?" and I shuddered knowing to well if that I replied I would get a punch to the stomach instead I just kept quiet


"Get your fucking hands of my brother" I heard Jayson hiss as he pulled Mitch off of me and I could hear his groans of pain as Jay and his friend beat him

"Get off of me you" Mitch growled


"Jayson" I called as I looked at the scene he and the guys were creating

"Stay away from him if you know what's best for you, Mitchell" Jake said

"And what if I don't? WHAT are you going to do?" Mitch chuckled after spitting the blood that had accumulated in his mouth from the cut he received when Jayson punched him

"Don't mess with me Mitch, you know very well what I can do" Jake said with a smirk as Mitch's eyes widen

"You wouldn't"

"Oh I would Mitch, so you choose, bully him again or I tell everyone who you really are" Jake threatened making me furrow my brows in confusion. What was he talking about? And why is Mitch reacting the way he is? What could possibly be that Jake knew about him that made Mitch act like this? And what don't the others look shock? Instead they look smug. I shook my head, too many questions yet to little answers, plus I was late for class.

"Do whatever you want Davis" Mitch spat before standing up and walking away only stopping to whisper in my ear

"Watch your back loser" and then disappeared in the mass of bodies that crowded the halls.

"HE won't touch him if he knows what's good for him" I heard Jake say

"You better sure about that Jake, because if he touches my brother again, I will be the one telling the school his biggest secret" Jay said before walking over to me and telling me that he was walking me to my class which I was 15 minutes late and the teacher was not happy to be interrupted but quickly changed her act when she saw my brother standing beside me. Everyone in school either loved or feared my brother and his friends.


It was finally the end of the day, and before I could even step foot out of the school I was shoved to the ground which resulted in my things to fly everywhere. I knew who it was by the sound of his goonies snickering above me. I looked up to see Mitch with his hand fisted into a ball but before he even got the chance to throw the punch, Jake's voice echoed the halls of San Francisco High

"I warned you Mitch, touch him again and your dirty little secret would be spilled throughout the school" and I saw Mitch tense up and turned to look over to where my brother, Jake, Kyle, and the others were standing, as other students stopped in their tracks and watched the scene before us. I even wanted to see, well more like hear, what Jake has to say.

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