Chapter 3

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The bell for fourth hour rang and I stood up then headed to my locker. I opened my locker and got my books for pre calc. then closed it before walking down the hall. Once I reached the room I walked in and the teacher raised his head when he heard the door open and smiled. He was no older than my dad but he did have a few gray hairs here and there but not much. He wore a blue button-up shirt with tan khaki pants and brown dress shoes. His hair was messy yet it looked good.

"Noah right?" he asked and I nodded

"Hope you had a good first day," he said and I shrugged

"Thanks, I guess" making him chuckle

"Go on, son, take a seat in the back near the window," he said as the opened and students entered flooding the classroom. I did what the teacher said and walked to the back of the window. I zoned out the moment the teacher, Mr. Gibson, opened his mouth talking about formulas and all that crap. I kept thinking about how Nick had treated me back there.

Like, I haven't done anything to him for him to hate me. I sighed and closed my eyes and just waited for class to be over and once it was I jumped out of my seat, packed my stuff up, and ran out of the class and to my next and last class of the day. I walked in and sat in the back of the room.

The teacher walked in right after the last kid walked in. She was a young woman with light blond hair that was up in a bun, black-rimmed glasses covered her light green eyes, rep lipstick coated her small pouty lips and wore a red skin-tight dress that did her good and black heels. This class was English. A class like the first classes went by fast and I noticed that Rikkie's friends were in them but I guess they didn't notice me until now. Andrew walked in and just stood in the front before making his way over to seat next to me once the teacher told him to.

"Hey, where did you run off to, during lunch?" he asked in a whisper

"Nowhere, just my locker" I replied with the same voice and he nodded

"Look the girls and Levi wanted to see how you were doing after the whole Nick incident," he said and I could tell that he was just as worried as the others were, well except Nick of course.

"I'm good just confused about why Nick reacted that way," I said and he nodded

"It was strange that he would act like that I mean he never had any problems with people"

"Until I came along"

"Yeah" and with that, we fell silent until class was over. Andrew walked me to my locker and told me that he and the others feel really bad about Nick being snobby with me but I just told him that it was fine and to just forget that it ever happened. We reached my locker to only catch Nick writing something on my locker that was hurtful in big black letters Faggot which only pissed Andrew considering that he and Levi were both gay and together.

"What the hell is your problem?" Andrew yelled as he grabbed Nick by the collar of his shirt making Nick gulp.

"N-nothing" he stuttered

"Bullshit. Faggot, really Nicolas, really" Andrew hissed

"Who the fuck wrote this?" I heard Jay yell as he stood in front of my locker making Nick even paler. I could see Adam's apple bub up and down as he gulped. I shook my head and placed a hand on his shoulder

"It's fine Jay, I'll have the janitor paint it over" and he nodded but looked at Andrew and Nick with a glare

"I think that you should apologize to him, Nicolas" Andrew hissed

"Why? He's nothing important" Nick replied trying to get out of Andrew's hold which only caused him to tighten it

"Andrew what are you doing, put Nick down," Levi said as he walked over to us. Great, can this get any worse?

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