Chapter 4

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The sun as shinning bright and I had decided to go for a walk to the park near the house. I walked for a good five minutes until reached the park and I just sat there and thought about everything that has happened to me in the past couple of years. Learning the truth about that my dad wasn't really my dad but my brother was tough. I learned that I was in the car with my parents when they got hit by a drunk driver and they died instantly but I was only one who made it. He said that I only had a few scratches on my arms and face and broken arm.

Middle school was hard considering that kids would always make fun of me saying that my mom walked out on me because I was ugly only if they knew that I lost my parents in a car accident because the driver of the car that crashed against their car killing them on impact. If they knew the truth would they still make fun of me or would they feel sympathy for me? Life is full of so many questions that go unanswered because no one knows the answer to them or they just don't feel like answering those questions. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 6 meaning that I've been sitting here and thinking for 4 hours.

My dad and brother should be getting home from the gym soon and I had to do my homework. I got off the swing and made my way to the exit of the park and walked down the small drive way that led to the street. I walked for a few minutes until I felt like someone was following me. I looked back and saw a group a men around 25 years old following me. I began to feel uneasy and began to walk faster. I was practically running before I heard footsteps running after me. I tripped and fell to the ground and that's when I felt a pair of arms grabbing me and pulling me into a dark ally.

"Aren't you a cutie" one of them whispered against my ear making me shutter with fear.

"What do you guys think?" he asked looking at his friends and they nodded.

"We're going to h-"

I shut up from bed my breathing going on over drive. My heart was racing a mile a second.

"Hey it's ok, everything's ok" I heard my brother say as he hugged me. I gripped his shirt and cried. I hated having those same dreams over and over again. I had thought that by moving here I would forget about them but it didn't work and after what Anthony did to me yesterday traumatized me even more.

"I hate them, Jayson" I whimpered

"I know, but everything will be fine, they won't hurt you again. I will always protect you, I promise" he whispered as he rubbed my back. I nodded and pulled away from him and looked at the time and saw that it was 5:30 am.

"You want me to ask dad if he can let you stay home?" he asked but I shook my head

"I-I don't want to be here alone" I whispered

"Ok, get ready yeah?" he asked and I nodded. He walked out of my room closing the door behind him. I still had a good hour to get ready for school so I decided to shower. I got off my bed and walked to my closet and picked out an outfit for today. Once that was down I walked to my bathroom, locking the door behind me. I stripped after I turned the water and felt that it was warm. I stepped in and let the water wash away the sweat from my body. I closed my eyes and just thought about what would've happened if my dad and Jayson didn't find me.

"Please stop, it hurts" I cried which only resulted in the men laughing at my pain. They each had taken a turn in abusing me. They each took turns in tormenting me and abusing my body. With every thrust my body just died down. I had bruises on my legs, arms and neck from where they would hold to prevent me from moving. One even stabbed me, so I was not only crying because they were raping me but because I was getting stabbed. With every cry I would get stabbed. They stabbed me a total of 20 times. They weren't deep but it was deep enough to make me bleed. I closed my eyes and just waited for the torture to end.

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