Chapter 11

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I walked back to the table with Caitlin clinging and asking why I haven't returned. I just wanted this day to be over and done with. But guess what? Not all your wish comes true, because as soon as we got back my parents said that we were going to a concert and I had no idea what concert it was. I just nodded and followed the parents to wherever the concert was. I got in the car with my parents and guess who got in with me. If you guessed Caitlin then you are one hundred percent right. I moved to seat on the other side of the car and she just followed my move and got extremely close to my comfort. My dad pulled out of the hotel and drove out behind Caitlin's parents.

"Can you let go" I whispered yelled at her

"No, I haven't seen you in a year and the least you can you can do is let me enjoy having my boyfriend back" she replied as her grip on my arm got tighter. I groaned and tried prying her hands from my arm and as soon as the car stopped I jumped out of the car and practically ran into eh arena then stopped in my tracks when I saw the tour bus of none other than One Direction.

I watched as they got out but I didn't really care about the people with them until I saw the small body of Noah. I smiled and walked into the building ignoring Caitlin's yells for me to wait. I looked around and saw them enter the arena so I followed over.  They began singing and I just couldn't keep my eyes away from the boy standing there. He was truly one of most beautiful person that I have ever seen in my life.

As the band sang their last song before break I saw them walking towards the backstage. I frowned and kept my eyes on the disappearing form of Noah. I watched as he looked over before shaking his head and running to catch up. I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair and just watched the boy that I couldn't stop thinking about ever since I saw him at the hotel. He's slowly getting into my head and I don't know what to do.


Last night, after getting home from the concert I ran to my room and just locked my door. I wanted to be left alone. All I could think about was Noah. I lay in my bed and just stared at my ceiling and before I knew it I was falling into a dream filled with Noah.  The next time I woke up was to my alarm going off and I groaned and looked at the time. Today was my first day back at Lakeview High. I got out of my bed as a sound on my door sounded followed by my brother yelling

"Better be up and ready we leave in 30 minutes" then his footsteps walked away and down the hall back to his room. I sighed and shook my head before walking to my in suit bathroom to shower and do my business. After all that was done I walked back to my room and changed into a plain white t-shirt, baggy jeans and supras. I grabbed my backpack and snap back before unlocking my bedroom door and walking out. I grabbed an apple from the bowl in the table and walked out of the room and out the door to Jake's car. I got in and we drove off to the school.

"So, how was it living in Miami for a year?" He asked after driving for a good 15 minutes in silence. I shrugged

"It was alright, I guess. I just missed being around the family and everything. It was hard to adjust the first few days of being there but it got a little better when dad and Isaiah went there for few days. I just hope that the people don't recognize me as the UFC champ. I just want to enjoy my junior year with no problems whatsoever" I replied and he nodded as we pulled into the school parking lot. We walked in but Jake walked away towards his friends leaving me to look for my best and only friend, Kyle. Before I could even find him, the bell rang and I sighed and made my way to the office to get my locker combination and my schedule. I opened the door, ignoring the stares and whispers that the students were having around me, and walling in.

"Yes? Can I help you?" the young secretary asked s she looked up at me for a second before going back to her typing on the computer

"I'm new, well not new new, but new nonetheless. My name's Ethan Davis and I came to get my locker and schedule" I replied

"Ah yes, Mr.Davis, the UFC champ. I should've recognized you" she replied with a smile. She was pretty, she had black hair that was styled in a bun, green eyes that were framed with black glasses, pouty lips that were covered with a bright red lipstick. She wore the commonly used secretary outfit, black blazer with a white blouse. She was typing on the keyboards and then the sound of a machine beeping sounded in the room before she handed the paper that had printed out to me.

"Here you are, Ethan, hope you enjoy your new school year" she said with a wink. I shook my head with a roll of my eyes and mumbled a quick 'thank you' before walking out.

Today is going to be a long and interesting day.

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