What's Hot in Wattpad

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Yo yo yo

Hello people of Wattpad. It is lovely to be here on this special 25th issue.

What's hot in Wattpad?

Have you noticed the official fanfic stuff. Well the popular thing right now is *drum roll please*


Are you shocked? Really you shouldn't be.

Now, what do you guys think of Justin Bieber as a role model? I'm pretty sure egging someone's house is something you should beliebe in (get it, beliebe in as in beliebers). And what are your thoughts on the weather? Is global warming getting worse? These are things hot outside of Wattpad.

I noticed Nutella seems to be hot in Wattpad. I personally can't stand the stuff so each to their own. Don't attack me with torches and pitchforks please, once is enough thank you very much

I talked to some people and I think ice-cream is the best food. No matter how hard you try, it's practically impossible to ruin ice-cream.

Valentine's day was three days ago thus the perfect time to write a Romance and give the 'Love is in the air' vibe. I personally am yet to discover these things I like to call feelings and so Valentine's day is a terrifying day of love and stuff. You could say I'm forever stuck in the boys are disgusting faze.

Anyway some books to look out for outside of Wattpad.

Divergent, Insurgent, Alleigent (A series I'm currently reading)


The fault in our stars (To be made into a film like Divergent)

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

These are a few that I've read and are reading so they're recommended by me.

Anyway, it was nice writing for you.

So long, farewell, Auf Wierdesehen, goodbye.

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