Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

I ran, and then some.

The forest was dimly illuminated by the waning moon. Leaves were rustling violently as if they were spectators cheering me on. Painful yelps and howls erupted in the distance mirroring outwardly what I felt inside. I made a mental note to look out for wild animals as my feet began to pound faster on the ground.

Thank God for small favors, I had chosen to wear converses with my black dress, which I always do since I am pretty tall at 5 ft 8. My shoes would definitely leave prints on the ground but what was I supposed to do? I looked down and saw that the ground was covered with leaves and pine needles, which would make it harder for the boys to track me. One less thing to worry about! I ran further and further into the forest hoping that I would find a road or highway. But there was only forest.

While my legs were moving fast enough, my brain was going even faster. Thoughts were flitting in and out of my mind at the speed of light. Even though we lived in the neighboring town, I had never been in this forest before. Odd, because my parents and I had been camping every weekend since I was three years old. It had started out because they loved being in the forest but it continued because I did not have a social life of my own. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it, I did. I loved camping and I loved spending time with my parents. I was not scared of the forest or the animals in it.

I was scared of the hormonal teenage boys with guns coming to kill me.  

Next, I thought about my parents and how distraught they will be when they realize that I am gone. I thought about how the kids at school would have nobody to pick on anymore. Maybe they would find someone else? I highly doubt it since they all seem so close and tight. I am the only outsider for some reason.

Begrudgingly, I thought about Abby. At least she could have insisted I wear jeans and bring a jacket if she was going to send me to the slaughterhouse. I thought about what the boy had said to me. Abby had made some sort of deal with them? What had they meant when they said "you instead of her?" Thinking of her betrayal bought on a stabbing pain in my chest and tears to my eyes.

I thought about the last few years and how close we had gotten. She always stood up for me at school. Why would she do this to me? What's going on? Who were these people hunting me and who were the people that I was living amongst my entire life? 

The distant sound of a gunshot jolted me back to the present signalling that my 10 minutes were up. They were coming to get me.

Panicking, I looked around for a place to hide. Glimpsing a thick under brush ahead, I ran towards it. My eyes took in the area around me desperate to find something.  My fingers grazed the trees and shrubs looking for an opening. I continued to search hurriedly with the help of my fingers and the moonlight. Finding a hollow in a tree covered by some bushes, I gave a silent "thanks."  Hoping to scare away any existing tenants of the animal variety, I kicked my foot inside.  Nothing came scampering out, so I was good. I curled up into the smallest version of myself and slid into the hollow. 

After catching my breath, I had an idea. I ran back out and found twigs, leaves and mud and rubbed it all over myself before settling back in the hollow. All I could do now was wait and pray.

And so I did.


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