Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


“No, Scott! Stay where you are.” she shouts. “You said we would be okay. You promised. Oh God, It’s happening again!”

Gia’s bony fingers grip my shirt as she looks into my eyes pleading for help. Gasping for air, she turns her head and breaks down in my arms. Declan and I look at each other in confusion. What is going on here?  I clear my throat, “What exactly, is happening again?”


Scott’s POV

Many years ago, I had lied to my good friend Bill, and with good reason. Well, I had given him a brief version of the truth- 'I was an important person in the werewolf world, and I needed to hide.' At the time, I hadn't offered him any explanations and he never pressed me for any details. Details that I now have to share with him and his son, Declan.  Attempting to delay the inevitable, I study the eggshell colored walls of the living room with such interest that one would think I was gazing upon the Mona Lisa. Taking my time, I sit down on the brown, beat-up leather armchair that has come along with us from our previous life, a constant reminder of what is at stake. I make the mistake of glancing up, and see the impatient expressions of the Donnelly’s. Gia on the other hand, looks very uncomfortable.

Avoiding eye contact with Bill, I ask, “Have you got time? This is going to take a while…”

“Yes, we have time. But Estela on the other hand, does not. So I suggest you give us the short version,” Bill snaps.

“You think I don’t care about Estela? That I am not trying to find her? I know she doesn’t have time and that it may already be too late. Don’t be so quick to judge, Bill.” I shout, resentment filling my voice. How dare he?

Bill doesn’t say anything but his eyes speak volumes. He is angry, hurt and betrayed. Intending to alleviate the tension, Gia offers to prepare a pot of coffee. But I know the truth; she does not want to relive the nightmare that is our past. And to be completely honest, I want to get up and leave the room too, but unfortunately, this is my story to tell. Clenching my fists in my lap, I hardly notice the pain as my sharp nails break the skin on my palms. This pain is miniscule compared to what I feel inside. I breathe deeply and begin my story, directing my words at Bill:

Everything that I had told you up until you got that phone call from me nineteen years ago was true. Especially because, that was my truth, I had believed it my entire life.

I am not sure if you remember that Gia and I were newlyweds when I rang to ask for your help. You hadn’t been able to come to our wedding, but if you did, you would have seen Gia’s swollen belly. I wanted to tell you in person… to ask you to be our baby’s Godfather.  But I never got the chance, not until a few years later when Estela was born. You see, on our wedding night, Gia and I discovered something terrible. We left the party early- we were eager to retire to our hotel room but when we got there we noticed a package outside the door. ‘A gift from a well-wisher,’ is what the card said. 

I handed Gia the package before I scooped her up and carried her over the threshold. Ironic isn’t it, seeing that the reason behind that tradition is to protect the bride from ‘demons’ waiting to trip her in an effort to cause bad luck? Anyway… I sat Gia down on the bed, her giant white dress billowing all around her. She looked so beautiful and so happy, like an angel sitting on a fluffy, white cloud. I turned my back for a few seconds during which I heard her rip open the package. When I turned around to face her, she was as white as her dress. Her hands were trembling and her lips were quivering. I closed the distance between us and saw that the contents of the package were laid out on the smooth fabric of her dress.

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