chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Gia’s POV (Estela’s Mom)

The sunlight pouring in through the windows settled on my face gently pulling me out of my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched, a smile coming onto my face as I remembered that Estela had gone out last night. My baby went to her first party!

She looked so beautiful all dressed up. She was beautiful to begin with but she never ever made the effort to look put-together.  I had tried for many years but she would always shoot down my offers of help. But last night, she was different. She was perfect.

 Estela had decided to let her thick brown hair down from its usual bun and it fell in long, natural waves down her back. It was the first time that she had worn a dress since she was a child. The converses she had worn had made me cringe, but I guess that is the fashion these days. Her skin had glowed and her chocolate brown eyes twinkled with specks of gold and green. She was smiling as she waved good-bye flashing those wonderful deep dimples that she had inherited from her father.

I sat up and slipped my feet into my slippers as I reached out and grabbed my robe from where I had carelessly tossed it last night. I looked over at my sweet husband snoring away next to me.  Careful not to wake him, I tiptoed across the wooden floor making my way to Estela’s bedroom.

Knocking gently, I turned the knob. The room was bright and the bed was made. “Huh! She’s up early,” I thought to myself.

I went downstairs and made my way into the kitchen. It was empty. I tried Estela's cell phone only to hear it ringing in the next room. That’s right, she had not taken it with her.

If she had come back last night, she would have surely sought out her cell phone. You see, Estela never went to bed without reading stories on some site called wattpad. It is one of her favorite things to do. Realizing what that meant, my stomach lurched and my heartbeat picked up. Where are you honey, I wondered? I walked briskly and checked the house, the garage and the shed. A bitter and sour taste entered my mouth. I felt nauseous.  I ran around the backyard and took a huge sniff trying to see if I could smell her perfume. No luck.

“Scott!” I screamed loudly in my mind.


Scott’s POV (Estela’s Dad)

Gia’s screaming woke me up with a start.  “Gia, what’s wrong?” I reached out to her through our mind link as I got out of bed. A barrage of emotions and thoughts went through my mind as Gia connected with me. I ran downstairs and found her coming in through the door, tears streaming down her face.

“Calm down, Gia,” I said, while stroking her back. “Let’s call Abby’s parents and see if she stayed over at Abby’s house,” I suggested.

“I don’t know Scott! I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something bad has happened, I know it!” Gia cried in between sobs. I took her inside the house and picked up the phone. I looked through the diary until I found the Anderson’s number and dialled.

They hadn’t seen Estela. Abby had not come home either. They tried Abby’s cell phone, which went unanswered. They did not seem worried though and I understood why. Abby was a werewolf and had probably gone for a run. She could take care of herself, but Estela couldn’t. Now, I was starting to panic.

I phoned Alpha Donelly. “She’s gone!” I said, my voice breaking. “She’s gone Bill.” I choked back a sob.

After a long silence, I heard him sigh. “Ill be right over, Scott. Have a pair of clothes waiting by the back door,” he said before hanging up.

I ran up the stairs to get a pair of clothes and laid them outside the back door. A few minutes later there was a soft knock and in walked my childhood friend, Bill Donelly, Alpha of the Blackclaw pack.

A pack which we were not members of, but whose land we were currently living on.


Alpha Bill's POV

I was scared something like this would happen. I had urged Scott and Gia to become members of my pack and raise Estela as the werewolf she was destined to become. But enemies of all kinds and intense pressure had convinced them that it was better to live as humans.

It was one thing that they masked their scent by taking pills of thistlefox. But when Estela was born and they decided that they would not only mask her scent but give her a daily dose of silverberry juice, I had put my foot down.

"How could you do that to her?" I had pleaded with them. "Not only is it unfair, but extremely dangerous. She lives amongst wolves. She is a wolf. If you give her the juice she will not shift and she won't have any of our abilities. How will she feel when the others around her are shifting and changing? How will she find her mate?" I had tried to explain but it was of no use.

They already had a plan. They begged me to go along with it and I had no choice. Scott was not only my childhood friend but a very important person in the werewolf world and he was in hiding.

So, with a heavy heart, I had summoned my pack and told them that a "human" family would be coming to live amongst us. They would live on our land, work in our town and their children would go to our school. They were not to be harmed nor harrassed and they were to be welcomed with open arms.

I still remember the angry faces of the pack members. "How will we live openly with them around? We will have to tone down our abilities!" they had asked angrily.

"It's final," I had said before thanking them for their cooperation.

Gia's loud sobbing brought me back from my reminiscing. "We are in big trouble," I said somberly. And Estela is probably as good as dead, I thought to myself.

A/N: Please comment, vote, fan! And if you like this story please recommend it to your friends. Thank you!

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