Chapter 20

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  • Dedicated to to my brother-in a world where everything is constantly changing, I can always c

A/N: Here you go...this one doesn't have much action and is more of a filler...hope you like it.

Not edited.

All rights reserved, © 2012


“Thistlefox. It’s an herb that grows in the wild.  There is plenty of it growing in the forest.” I explain.  Thistlefox is what I have been using to hide my scent from the Weres who have been hunting me for the last four years. I always make sure that wherever I go, I find a source of Thistlefox first. And if there is something that I have learned after four years of being on the run, it’s that those Weres are always on my heels.  But ever since I came to Blackclaw, I haven’t sensed their presence. Did I finally lose them? No, I don’t think so. There has to be someone watching Scott and Gia, waiting for me to show up. Unless they themselves don’t know that Scott and Gia are here, which is unlikely…Bloody Tossers.

“So…” Estela says, interrupting my thoughts. “Maybe this is a good time to point out that we are both uh…naked…uh…so quit staring at me like that.”

I burst out laughing.  I was so deep in thought that I was staring blankly and didn’t realize what my eyes were focused on. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist,” I reply in between fits of laughter.  “I was just spacing out.”

Had Estela been privy to my thoughts, she would have known how preposterous her comment was. Not only because it is uncommon for werewolves to be prudish about nudity but more so because I am her sister.


Chapter 20

Unknown/ Jane/ Elara POV

“Stay here.” I order, while I collect all of Estela’s weapons that I had hidden earlier during my bout of paranoia. I set them into a pile near Estela’s backpack and fold the empty duffel bag into a small square. “I’ll be back with some Thistlefox. I suggest you pack your belongings because once you take the Thistlefox; we cannot stay here any longer.  Your scent will linger here for hours.”

“So? What’s the big deal about that?” She asks, eyeing me curiously.

Ugh! I should just get her to accept me as her Alpha and then I can avoid all these questions by just ordering her around. We don’t have time for this!  “Do you know the story of Hansel and Gretel?”


“Remember how they left breadcrumbs so that they could find their way back?”


“To a werewolf who is tracking you, your scent is like the most potent breadcrumb practically shouting out ‘here I am, come and get me!’ Which means, if they are already within a few miles of us, they will find us really fast. So stop asking questions until we are safely away from your stink.”  I say irritated. I am so used to being alone, that having to explain my every move to someone is annoying, even if that someone is my baby sister.  Feeling a little guilty for being rude, I shoot her a small smile and wink before I turn and break into a jog, shifting into my wolf mid-step. I circle back and pick up the folded duffel bag with my mouth.  I glance at Estela, who is looking at me in awe. Smiling inside, I run out into the forest to collect some Thistlefox.

The forest is pitch black, except for the shafts of moonlight that filter in through the trees.  It is perfect because wolves tend to sleep during the day and hunt at night. While Thistlefox lacks a distinguishing scent, it is very easy to identify by sight.  And since wolves have night vision, my task does not require much effort.  I search for only a little while until I find the thorny but leafy bush of Thistlefox, with its purple flowers gleaming in the moonlight.  As I approach it, I shift into my human form. Quickly, I begin to tear of the leaves dropping them into the duffel bag. Once the bag is full, I zip it shut and transform back into a wolf.  Picking up the bag with my teeth, I run back to Estela.

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