chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to ninishka for falling off that banana boat and giving me one of the funniest memo

All Rights Reserved © 2012

Sorry, this one is a short one....

not edited


Chapter 3

Minutes slowly stretch into hours, or what feels like hours. I’m just speculating, I had decided against wearing a watch tonight, because the bright yellow strap clashed with my outfit. My ears are on full alert noting that the forest is quiet except for the sounds of the animals that inhabit it.

It is just like camping with my parents, I try to tell myself.  Taking comfort in the familiar hoots and howls, I begin to calm down. Thinking of parents, I wonder if they have realized that I have missed my curfew. Knowing them, they will probably be asleep instead of wait up for me, happy that I am at a party like a normal teenager. Yeah, some party this turned out to be!

My body craves the comforting scent of my father's cologne and my mother's embrace. My feet want to feel the soft carpet of my bedroom and every single part of me wants to be in my warm bed, snuggled up in my soft lilac duvet. What I would give to be at home right now...

Just like clockwork, I think about Abby. We would always text each other goodnight once I was snuggled up in my bed. This thought leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I can't believe how stupid I am to have left my house without my cell phone. I had decided not to bring it, at Abby’s insistence, mind you.

"You wouldn’t need it anyway Stella,” she had said while putting her arms around my shoulders. “You have me, I’ll be by your side all the time and I’m the one giving you a ride. Don’t bring anything. You won’t have use for it,” she had said.

Tears escape from my eyes and drip down my cheeks.  Why? Why me? What did I do? I am too young to die! I haven’t had my first kiss or even been on a date. I don’t want to die all alone in a forest. If the crazy boys don’t find me, I am sure to die of hunger, dehydration and hypothermia.  Either way, my fate is sealed.

As the tears fall my eyes start to feel heavy and soon I am pulled into slumber.


A/N: is anyone reading this story? Please comment so I know that I am not wasting my time. Thanks!

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