Chapter Fifteen

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Sharp, now back to her dragon form, was curled up under the couch, staring at the floor under her. Right after Rodimus ended his call, she ran away from the Autobots in the Medibay and hid under the couch. The bots tried getting her out from under the couch, each using their own unique technique, besides Ratchet, who watched as the other bots failed to reach the same goal. They all gave up and returned to what they were doing before, their mood slightly saddened by their failures. Optimus went back to his room, most likely to watch more history videos, Bulkhead went back to painting, Prowl went back to meditating, Ratchet was now analyzing the metal from Sharp's armor, and Bumblebee and Sari sat on the couch, watching TV instead of playing video games.

Sharp could sense the change in everyone 's mood, but was too depressed herself to do anything. Her day ended with her closing her optics and falling into stasis.

Sharp woke up, surprised to see that no one else tried to get her out from under the couch. Sharp closed her eyes again, she knew she wasn't going to fall into stasis again but, it was better than staring in the darkness doing nothing but hide. It was a while before she heard footsteps coming into the same room she was in.

Sharp picked up her head and listened to where the heavy footsteps would go. She heard them stop in front of the couch. The TV turned on and the loud volume was lowered. Curious, Sharp crawled over to the side of the couch and looked up at the flat square that showed strange pictures and sometimes said words that would make her head tilt.

The black and gold Autobot sat in front of the TV, quietly. Sharp was now confused, why was this bot up so early? And, what is so interesting about the flat screen, or what was being presented on it? Sharp decided to find out. She moved to the side until she could see the images on the flat screen. There was an image of a creature with big ears, small wings that were folded in, and a cute little face. The creature hung upside down, which confused Sharp, but yet intrigued her. Once the TV zoomed out of the creature's face and showed its full body, Sharp transformed into the creature.

Prowl was aware that Sharp was still under the couch, but he wasn't interested on trying to get her out. Well, not until he heard silent wing flaps from behind him. He turned, but he didn't see anything. A part of Prowl's pointed optics raised as the other slanted. He looked under the couch and was startled when he did not see Sharp.

"The bat uses echolocation to find what may be in front of it such as food, branches, and other things.", the TV continued.

Prowl turned to the TV to see a bat screech and fly away from a tree it could've hit while flying. He heard another bat screech, but it wasn't the TV. Something hit his helm and then hit the floor. Prowl, now completely startled, looked around in the darkness surrounding him. It wasn't long before he spotted two blue lights and his audio receptors picked the light wing flaps he had been hearing all along.

Sharp flew over to the beam she had hung down from and began to rub her head with her wing, a slight grinding noise coming from metal rubbing against metal. Prowl couldn't help but stare in amazement. Prowl then got an idea. He whistled, catching Sharp's attention.

"Do you, perhaps, want to see more of the creatures that inhabit this planet?", He questioned. Sharp, almost immediately, flew off the beam and next to the ninja bot. Prowl turned off the TV and led the small bat outside.


Optimus woke up from stasis, laying on his berth a little bit longer than usual. Strange, he couldn't hear the TV. Usually, Prowl would watch it early in the morning, before anybot would be up. Optimus got up and walked into the living room. No one was there. He looked under the couch. Sharp was gone.

"Prowl?" Silence.

"Sharp?" The silence continued. Optimus began to panic inside, feeling his spark speed up.

"Prowl?! Sharp?!", He called out, walking around base. Optimus looked into Prowl's room. He wasn't there either.

Optimus heard groaning and the stretching of armor plating. Bumblebee came out of his room and looked at the prime with one optic.
"Why are shouting?", The yellow Autobot questioned.

"Prowl and Sharp are gone!"

Prowl watched as Sharp played with another squirrel in her own squirrel form. Prowl wondered if there were creatures in which AniFormers could not transform into. So far, Sharp had been able to transform into every animal they encountered. And, with each animal, came a new power that animal had that Sharp could control.

Prowl pondered for a bit before another idea came into his processor.

Prowl whistled and Sharp stopped in her tracks. Prowl motioned her to follow him. Sharp went back to her bot mode and followed the ninja bot.

"Let's see what happens when you meet something that no longer exists.", Prowl said.

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