the orphanage.

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January 31st of the year 1978; just a day after her birthday, Lily Evans' life took an unexpected turn for the worst. A trip to the hospital wing had confirmed her terrible suspicions: at barely seventeen years of age, she was pregnant.

What's worse?

The child did not belong to her beloved boyfriend, James Potter, but rather his arch-nemesis: Severus Snape.

So, how did this all happen? Why did Lily betray James?

It was guilt.


Being in her last year, this Gryffindor didn't want to graduate with the guilt and regret of never forgiving her ex-best friend.

It had been two years since their spat...two years since the git had called her a mudblood...and it had been two years since she vowed never to speak with him again.

However, in the end, she just couldn't live up to that promise. It was simply in Lily's nature to be unfailingly kind and all too forgiving. She was never one to hold a grudge or turn her back on those she cared for...not entirely.

This is why, on January 9th, she sought out Severus in order to make an amends of sorts. It was the black-haired boy's seventeenth birthday and this year she wanted to wish him well in person. Despite what had taken place in their fifth year, Lily still made it a point to send her old friend a card on this day, merely writing him a short "Happy Birthday, Severus," upon it, and nothing more.

Not once did she receive a letter in return. No, "Thank-you, Lily," or mentioning's that he had at least received the cards. But, in all honesty, the girl had never expected any sign of appreciation from the Slytherin.

Still, this made her wonder what kind of reaction she would be getting once she reached him. Severus had finally given up on begging for her forgiveness at the start of their sixth year and had been bitter ever since.

Feeling that there was nothing for her to lose, the redhead knocked upon the Slytherin's portrait and was soon after greeted by a rather rude fifth year, Lena Forthwaters.

"What?" the blonde spat, leaning against the doorframe, multitasking by sneering and glaring at the seventh year before her.

Politely ignoring the crudeness, Lily got to the point. "Is Severus in?"

"How should I know?" Lena retorted, crossing her arms.

"Well, you're in the same house," Lily pointed out, "You could at least check if you're unsure," she kindly suggested.

"And why would I want to do that?" she questioned, aggravating the opposite girl.

She sighed, "Please," the Gryffindor tried, "I really need to speak to him."

"Not my problem," Forthwaters informed her, abruptly slamming the portrait in her face.

Lily huffed, yet refused to give up. She hadn't marched all the way down into the dungeons for nothing. Moments after Lena had shut her out, the redhead began pounding on the picture frame, determined to catch somebody's attention.

"Hey!" Salazar shouted at her, "Stop hitting me you impudent girl!" he ordered, causing Lily to step back in alarm.

"I'm sorry," she told the portrait, sincerely. "I just need to speak with somebody inside. It's important," she admitted.

"So I've heard," Salazar responded sarcastically. Then, at Lily's questioning gaze, he added, "I have been standing inside here the entire time, darling," he said, gesturing towards the frame encasing him, also being the entrance into the snake's common room.

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