deatheaters and chipmunks.

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November 27th 1989

"Mind if I join you?"

Haley looked up from her seat within the nearly vacant library to find Amaryllis standing before her.

"Of course," she gestured to the seat at her right, watching as her friend sat down moments after.

"What are you reading?" Rye inquired, pulling out a text of her own.

The raven-haired girl sighed, "Remember those bloodwards I told you about?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I was thinking...since Harry and I share the same blood, why couldn't they be put up around Snape Manor? I mean, when our mum sacrificed herself, the ancient spell had been activated...and what from I've read it only works so long as Harry continues residing with someone who shares her blood. So, it should work with me just as it did with Petunia, right?" she finished, having been speaking at a rather fast pace. She was just so excited for having figured it all out and couldn't wait to share her findings with Minerva, the headmaster, and her father.

"They should," Rye smiled at her, "you've finally got it all sorted, then?"

"It only took me a few months," Haley pointed out, feeling proud, "but, yes."

"Great," the blonde complimented, "but could you hold off leaving for a moment?"

Halfway up from her chair already, she reluctantly sat back down. "Sure, what is it?"

"I was going to wait longer before telling you this..." Rye drifted off, her smile long gone as she spoke grimly.

"Tell me what?" Haley pried, wanting to know as her friend's tone was beginning to worry her.

"I should have actually told you sooner..." she almost inaudibly scolded herself.

"What is it, Rye?"

After taking a deep breath, she finally came out with it, "Haley...your father is a deatheater."


It had taken quite some time for Miss Snape to understand the meaning of those who followed the Dark Lord. She couldn't believe she'd failed to notice the tattoo on her dad's left had to be there, so why hadn't she seen it?

And poor Amaryllis had been just as upset as she was. The young Malfoy girl had barely learnt of Lucius' status a week ago whilst she was home for her birthday. Accidentally overhearing a conversation between he and her mother had told her all that she needed (and did not want) to know.

"But it said he was destroyed," Haley said, referring to one of the many books she had read about Voldemort. She'd been doing loads of research for Harry's sake ever since learning of the connection between the two wizards.

"You can't honestly believe that," Rye told her, "not after everything you've seen the headmaster do to ensure Harry's safety."

"I know that he'd come after my brother if given the chance," Haley replied, "but I never thought it was very likely that he would actually return."

"Father would beg to differ," she frowned, displeased with said man. "He seemed confident enough..."

"Why don't you confront him about it?"

"Are you mental?"

"Excuse you?"

"Is that what you plan on doing? Are you seriously going to confront Severus about this?" Amaryllis put Haley in her shoes for a bit.

"Why wouldn't I?" she argued, her frustration beginning to shine through. "He worked for the man who murdered my mum while trying to kill my brother!" She spoke loudly, but not to the point where anyone would hear.

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