good luck.

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"Mum, Dad!" Maggie ran towards the fireplace, surprised that her parents had actually traveled by floo. "What are you doing here?" she asked curiously.

"Well," Delilah began, smiling down at her daughter, "Our meeting finished early so your father and I thought, why not come and fetch you ourselves?"

While this was true, the squib also wanted to see exactly the type of place she'd sent her Mags to. As a concerned parent, it was only natural to feel the need to meet the people watching over Maggie (or in this case, the unfamiliar witches and wizards surrounding her one and only child whilst she was nowhere in sight).

Maggie, who couldn't disagree with her mother's logic, had still gone to complain about having to leave too soon, when another man stepped out of the temporarily green flames.

"Professor Dumbledore?" Bill greeted his old headmaster, slightly taken aback by his presence. He shook the elder wizard's hand, "Is there something we can help you with?"

"Oh no, dear boy," he kindly reassured his past pupil, "I merely wanted to ensure Mr. and Mrs. William's safe arrival," Albus smiled warmly.

"Ah, so you must be Maggie's parents," Arthur exited the dining room with the other adults.

"Yes," Peter met the other man halfway and outstretched his right arm, "I'm Peter," he introduced himself once Mr. Weasley had accepted the handshake, "and this is my wife, Delilah."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," the strawberry-haired woman informed him and Mrs. Weasley politely. "Thank you for looking after Maggie. We would've come along, only we had to complete our meeting with Headmaster Dumbledore," she felt the need to explain.

"It was no trouble," Molly assured the couple, "your daughter is quite well mannered for such a young age," she told them honestly, causing said girl to blush from her place beside her father.

Haley, who had giggled at her friend's predicament, caught the attention of Peter and Delilah almost immediately.

"So, this must me the infamous Miss Smith," Mr. Williams grinned widely at the raven-haired child.

"Maggie has told us much about you," Delilah put in at the look of confusion Haley had been giving her partner.

"Oh," she shifted uncomfortably, really not sure of what to say in this awkward situation.

"Mum, could you be any more humiliating?" Maggie spoke up, probably saving Haley from saying anything stupid.

"I am certain your parents did not mean to embarrass you, Miss Williams," Dumbledore intervened, his eyes ever-twinkling.

"It's okay Mags, really," Haley calmed her down a bit before turning to face the set of adults once more, "It's nice to meet you," she smiled sweetly while inwardly holding back the part where she wanted to say 'but I'm not Miss Smith'.

Lily's firstborn now thought herself as an Evans, no longer wanting to be referred to by a pseudo surname that held no meaning in regards to her family ties. At this point, Haley understood Maggie's disheartening upon having to surrender her given name: Porter. The latter of the two girls may have reluctantly agreed to her new parents' terms, but the former definitely would have thoroughly refused.

So, on the train, Haley decided, she'd tell everybody of her new name. Now simply wasn't the right moment to share such news.

"The pleasure is ours, I'm sure," Delilah provided her with a mother's smile, thereafter turning to face the girl's guardian. "Haley's father, yes?" she checked despite the clear traits he'd passed on to his daughter. Anyone who looked between the two would be easily able to tell that they were related.

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