it's a heartbreak world.

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August 1994

"Where is everyone?"

"I really don't know."

"Last thing I remember was getting hit on the head."

"All I can recall was tripping."

"Do you think everyone's alright?"

"I'm sure they are," Cedric replied, not sounding at all certain. In the midst of the attack, he'd been separated from his father. They were just heading back to their tent when it all began.

"Those were deatheaters, weren't they?" Haley asked him as they continued searching for his father, her brother, and the Weasleys.

He simply shuddered and nodded in response.

"Why didn't they come after us?" she wondered aloud.

"Because it's not us they were after," he grimly enlightened her.

"Harry..." Haley stopped in her tracks.

"Hey," Cedric stood before her and took hold of her shoulders gently. "It's going to be okay," he reassured her. Ever since Haley's fourth year, the Hufflepuff had been the only one able to really do so. Not even the twins could calm her like he did.

She took a deep breath in an attempt to relax herself, "Promise?"

He smiled warmly at her and released his hold, "I promise."

One Month Later

"Should I tell him what I do know about the prophecy?" Haley asked Maggie. The two were sitting upon the blonde's bed, discussing Harry's safety in the Tournament. The whole thing seemed a bit fishy to the Ravenclaw. She had even gone so far as to suggest that Voldemort was behind it all.

"I wouldn't," Mags decided, "you don't have all of the pieces," she reminded her friend, "it'd be best to leave that task to the headmaster."

"I suppose you're right," Haley nodded, not wanting to unnecessarily worry her brother. "I just hate keeping this from him..." she drifted off, guilt heavy upon her shoulders. She hadn't even told him about Severus' previous deatheater status.

Three Weeks Later

"You'll be fine," Haley tried reassuring Harry (if not more so herself).

"Don't forget to use your wand," Hermione advised.

"I won't," he told her, somewhat annoyed by their constant worrying. Ever since his name emerged from the goblet, the two girls had been expressing their extreme concern nonstop.

"Did you read the notes I made?" Hermione wanted to know.

"Or practice the spells Severus taught you?" Haley questioned, hoping that he had.

It was beginning to put him on edge.

"Yes," Harry sighed heavily, fighting to keep any and all rude comments to himself.

"Remember-" Hermione had gone to say only to be cut off.

Thankfully, the girls had run out of time for badgering him as a loud canon sounded, signaling for him to leave.

Afterall, a Hungarian Horntail was waiting for him.

December (the same year)

"So, you and Neville," Haley teased Ginny as she'd overheard the timid boy's invitation.

The younger Gryffindor blushed, "I really like him," she confessed after being certain that Neville had left the common room.

"Well I'm happy for you," Haley smiled at her. "But I highly doubt the twins will be."

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