the weasley's.

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"No," Haley started shaking her head frantically, "This has to be some sort of joke," she hoped, looking between Minerva and the headmaster. When they didn't respond, she knew Dumbledore was being honest.

"Prove it!" she demanded, still fighting to stay in denial. There was no way she could possibly be related to this git. What had her mother been thinking? 'He's such a bat!' Haley mentally insulted him.

"If you insist," Albus agreed solemnly. Then, just as if they were about to make an unbreakable vow, he told Severus and Haley to join hands in order for him to perform the required incantation properly.

Still glaring at Snape (she was so not calling him dad), Haley did as she was told and put out her right hand, the one attached to her now bruised wrist.

Minerva gave the potion's professor a reprimanding look as she caught sight of the purple skin, which he made a point to ignore.

After taking his daughter's hand, the headmaster muttered some weird words that Haley knew couldn't possibly be English and watched as her and Severus' hands turned gold.

"What does that mean?" Haley asked, letting go of the now pale-faced man's hand.

"It means I did not lie to you Miss Smith," Albus informed her, "Severus is indeed your-"

"Well I'm not staying with him!" the distressed girl shouted, interrupting the headmaster. "He's worse than Mr. Coleman!" she stepped back towards Minerva and away from the two men in the room. It was a lie, though. Nobody could outdo that man's cruelness.

"Who is Mr. Coleman?" Dumbledore inquired politely, despite Haley's rude behavior.


"Get back here Smith!" a gaunt-faced, scrawny old man shouted, more so limping after rather than chasing the six year-old girl. Coleman, the cook at Wool's, had caught the brat breaking into his kitchen, stealing two cookies in the process.

Much to her non-existent luck, Haley had run herself into a corner, which allowed the sour man to catch up.

"Stay 'way from me!" she shrieked, biting Coleman's hand as he attempting to grab onto her hair.

"You little shit!" he cursed at her, smacking the girl so hard across the face that she actually toppled over. Coleman then took the fallen desert items, squished them with his bony palms, and dropped the crumbs over the sobbing girl whom had been nursing her swollen face. "Clean this mess up," he spat at her.

"No!" she stupidly protested, for what happened after that was now all too painful for her to think even about.

End Flashback

They all watched as the child became flustered. "Nobody," she lied, "But I'm still not staying here with him," Haley said once more.

Professor McGonagall sighed, allowing the matter of Mr. Coleman to surpass them for now. "Haley, dear," she began, "As your parent, that is for Severus to decide."

"But he's not my parent!" she argued, "Not really," the girl explained, "He didn't even know me before today and even then he was a git!"

"Miss Smith-" the older woman tried correcting the rather unnecessary crudeness. Father or not, that was no way to speak to an adult.

"Let her go," Snape finally spoke up. Everyone turned to him, certain they had misheard his words.

"Severus," Albus led the younger man to the opposite side of the room and cast a silencing charm. "What are your intentions?" he asked, hoping that the young man wasn't about to let his daughter walk out on him.

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