a knock to the head.

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The next morning, Haley woke up in a room unknown to her. Of only two things she was certain: she wasn't at the Weasley's and this was most definitely not Wool's. The bedroom she was currently in was all too nice to be a part of either place.

Sitting up from the full-sized bed and removing the blankets restraining her, Haley tried recalling last night's events.

Where was she at? Why was she here? And how did she get there?

'Oh,' the girl remembered those answers with shame. 'I'm in so much trouble,' she told herself. Haley didn't know how long it had been since, but at some point she had gone completely mental on her father. 'Stupid,' Haley inwardly cursed. Ever since she was born, the orphan had wanted nothing more than a family. And now that she finally got one, Haley had been nothing short of disrespectful and ungrateful. Sure, Snape had acted like a right git to her, but she still knew it had to be because the man didn't know who she actually was at the time. The eleven year-old had completely overreacted. 'Maybe,' she thought, 'it's not too late. Maybe if I start behaving better, things will be okay,' Haley tried convincing herself.

Gathering her thoughts and coming to that conclusion, she started looking around the room. She knew that it was probably located within the dungeons. Snape would not have left her with Professor McGonagall, Haley knew, because of how angry he seemed with the woman. 'Besides,' she thought, 'if he didn't want me here with him then I would still be at the Burrow.'

Haley made her way out of the bedroom, her feet instantly turning ice cold upon touching the stone floor. She gasped in surprise, not realizing that she was no longer wearing any shoes, and then sought the pair out.

To her dismay, however, the black trainers Wool's had provided were gone. 'Great,' she huffed before shivering slightly. Haley then walked over to the doorway, leaving the simple room behind (all it contained was a bed, dresser, and a small lamp).

Reaching her destination, she slowly poked her head out of the frame. To the right, she noticed, was a restroom and another bedroom, she presumed, because the door was closed. On the left side of the narrow hallway, were some stairs that led down into a basement of sorts (she guessed) and a corner which led into the sitting room Haley was dragged in Sunday evening after getting caught by her father (she figured out upon turning it).

"Finally awake, I see," a deep voice startled her. Honestly, she was all too easy to frighten.

Snape lowered the text he'd been reading, revealing his previously hidden face.

"Gosh, you scared me," Haley placed a hand over her rapidly beating heart. "Have you seen my shoes?" she then asked, hoping he'd forgotten yesterday's events.

"Indeed," he replied, standing from a green-colored armchair much nicer than the orange one the Weasley's owned.

"Um," she began carefully, not wanting to fight once more, "then where are they?"

"Incinerated," Snape informed her, drawing his wand out.

Haley blanched, "What?" she asked in disbelief. Just then a pair of newer looking shoes flew out of one of the rooms (Haley couldn't be sure which as they rounded the hallway) and floated over in her direction. She then watched as the trainers grew smaller in size and landed at her feet.

"Wear these," he instructed, "We shall be leaving shortly."

The girl almost started complaining about how these were boy's shoes and that she wanted hers back despite how ratty and ruined they may've been, but quickly decided against it upon remembering the rest of Severus' words. They were leaving? 'Surely not to Wool's,' Haley reassured herself.

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