beyond the veil.

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May 1996

"Just hand him the prophecy, Harry, you don't need it," Haley whispered into his ear so that Bellatrix and Lucius wouldn't hear.

"No," he held his ground, "I won't let Voldemort have it."

"You dare speak his name?" Lestrange shouted, her expression coming off as crazed. "You filthy half-blood!" she tried insulting him.

"Why are you doing this?" Amaryllis spoke to her father, standing just behind Maggie (who remained at Haley's left side).

"Do not speak to me," Lucius hissed. He'd wanted nothing to do with the girl since she moved in with Andromeda and had tried taking Draco with her.


The aristocratic man abruptly directed his wand at her, causing all of the other teens and Bellatrix to go into defense mode.

"You are no daughter of mine," he informed her venomously.

"Have it your way then," Rye gave up. The man was clearly beyond her help. "Stupefy!" she began the attack, missing Lucius only slightly.

"Run!" Ron shouted, taking Hermione's hand just before fleeing from the deatheaters.

Haley quickly latched onto Harry and took off as well. Soon, each sibling began casting numerous curses at anyone who tried harming themselves or one another.

Amaryllis ran off after her father, determined to make him pay for the words he had said. And Maggie, who knew it wouldn't be wise to let her fight this battle alone, didn't hesitate to follow.

Ginny and Neville had mimicked Ron and Hermione's actions while Luna had mistakenly been left behind.

Fortunately, however, the entire group was eventually reunited (albeit rather clumsily as they'd all clashed upon simultaneously turning the same corner).

"Luna, are you alright?" Harry felt beyond terrible for having been so distracted that he'd forgotten her.

"I'm fine, truly," she assured him in spite of her busted lip.

He was about start apologizing when a clan of deatheaters found them.

"Stupefy!" Ginny acted reflexively.

Being too powerful for the redhead's own good, the teens eyes widened in both awe and horror as the thousands of prophecies began falling from their shelves.

"This way!" the fifteen year old took Luna's arm, thereafter leading the lot of them to a small black colored door.

Fifteen Minutes Later

"I killed Sirius Black, I killed Sirius Black!" Bellatrix sang as the man's godson chased after her.

Remus hadn't been able to go after Harry as Tonks required his help shortly after the boy had escaped from his grasp. Severus, unfortunately, didn't notice the teen take off as he'd been preoccupied with trying to keep his daughter away from Lucius (who currently carried on in his duel against both her and his own child).

Percy (who had joined the Order after declining to work for the Ministry when Haley, Harry, and the rest of his family had all but begged for him not to) only had eyes for Ron at the time since the younger boy had been badly injured and required his full attention.

Alastor and Kingsley also had their hands full as they were busy keeping the other students out of harm's way.

Needless to say, nobody noticed Harry leave, other than Lupin who couldn't afford to do anything about it.

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