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After Amaryllis had left with the promise of catching up with Haley on the train, the latter of the two girls couldn't help but to wonder if the twins and Maggie would be okay with that. The aristocratic female did agree to sit with the three, after all, as Percy would be joining Penelope Clearwater in a separate compartment. (Charlie had to sit with the other prefects so he would not be joining the newfound quartet either).

Anyhow, Haley really couldn't see how having Rye- (the nickname she'd given to the blonde after admitting that Amaryllis was just too much of a mouthful. Saying how she'd gotten that quite a lot, the raven-haired girl suggested a shorter version: Mary, but the Malfoy girl instantly rejected that one, having hated it. Several attempts later, Rye became an option and the grey-eyed first year decided to settle then, saying how it was the best choice so far. She surprisingly didn't even care that the name was a type of bread. Amaryllis justified her thought process by saying how her original name was that of a Greek flower anyways) -accompanying them would be an issue. She seemed kind enough, unlike her creep of a father (an opinion Haley had kept from his daughter, of course). That being said, what problems could possibly arise?

It's not like she knew anything about the Weasley-Malfoy family feud, afterall...


The next morning, Haley awoke in the same room she'd been in prior to her disaster of a time in Diagon Alley with her dad.


Only mentally was Haley barely beginning to think of the man with that title. Calling Severus 'father' or anything of the like aloud (let alone in his presence), would most surely not be happening soon. She hardly knew the potion's professor, at any rate.

Maybe after the official adoption process had been taken care of, those feelings would change


Sighing at the inner debate taking place within her head, Haley rolled over in the bed she'd slept in to get a glimpse of the time: 6:11a.m. 'Really?' she sighed again. What on earth was she doing up this early? The eleven year old couldn't recall having had any nightmares (thank goodness, for that would have been terribly embarrassing. Her father would have definitely overheard any and all possible screams; and the last thing she needed was to go into an explanation as to why these disturbances of sleep occurred so frequently. Haley was not ready to own up to anything...especially not her most dark, secret memories).

Not being able to return to the world of unconsciousness as her brain was reeling to the point of no return, Haley opted to remain in bed, nevertheless, and reflect back on the previous evening's events. Besides, departing her room at this hour was out of the question. Certain that Severus was anything other than a morning person, Haley had absolutely zero interest in facing him until at least another hour passed by.

He was getting better though; his daughter would be the first to confess. To look back at yesterday night would prove a perfect example, believe it or not.


After the Malfoys had departed, Haley went to ask if Severus had told Lucius the truth in regards to their relationship as father and daughter, along with the honest details behind it, when she realized that whether or not he did, didn't matter. She'd told Amaryllis nearly everything. The greenish-eyed girl didn't go into detail about her half-brother's identity or his status inside the wizarding world. She truly did not want Rye to befriend her simply because Harry was a 'celebrity'.

It was stupid, really; how everybody considered her sibling to be some sort of hero. A baby somehow defeating the 'darkest wizard of all time' unknowingly was hardly heroic. If anything, that night was just an odd twist of fate or something of the like. There was simply no way Harry, or any one year old for that matter, could be so powerful.

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