Chapter 12: I Wanna Fall So In Love With You and No One Else

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Calum's POV; One month later

Once fans caught wind of the fact that there was something going on between me and Mari and photos of us were all over Twitter, it seemed like she started shutting me out. Of course, it wasn't just me – it seemed to be everyone who even remotely knew her – but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt. She had a tendency to do this – especially when something was bothering her – and I knew I was risking her getting mad at me again if I egged her on about it, but I couldn't just not try.

I knew Kenzie had gone out with Ashton to explore the city and since she was Mari's roommate for the hotel that day, I decided now would be the best time to go see her. I didn't know where everyone else was but I hoped Mari would be alone, just wanting to talk to her in private.

I went to her hotel room and knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds. I didn't hear anything on the other side, but I knocked again – a little harder this time – pretty sure she hadn't gone out with anybody. I was about to knock a third time before I heard a door open and then Mari hurrying to the door. Half of her hair was tied up on the top of her head, the bottom half half-straightened, clearly in the middle of doing her hair.

"Jesus, Cal," Mari sighed, "I thought somebody was dying."

"Sorry," I smiled shyly, "Should I come back later?"

"Nah, it's fine," she said, moving out of the way so I could come in, "I've looked worse in front of you."

"That's not true," I commented, "You always look beautiful."

"Thanks, Cal, but I've got the snaps to prove that that is not true in the slightest," she replied, but I still saw her blush lightly. She went back into the bathroom to finish her hair and I trailed behind her, sitting on top of the toilet seat. "Whatever's brought you here must be pretty important if you're following me into the bathroom," she cocked an eyebrow at me before turning back to the mirror and beginning to straighten the rest of the bottom half of her hair.

"Well, some people's definition of 'important' may differ, but yeah... It's pretty important to me..." I remarked softly, nervous she really would get upset with me again. The statement made her take the straightener away from her head so she could look at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked, the concern on her face very obvious.

"I just... Ever since people have started talking about us, you've... You've kinda been pushing me away..." I told her, seeing her face fall slightly but I kept going, "And I... I wanna know if there's something I'm doing wrong... Like... Maybe I hug you too much when we're in public or I hold your hand for too long after I pull you out of a crowd or I look at you when we're talking to fans for too long and they start to suspect something or-"

"You're not doing anything wrong, Cal," Mari cut me off with a whisper, turning back to her reflection to continue with her hair – though she was moving much slower than before.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" I asked her, "Even if you just want me to act as a cat who will listen to you rant and not say anything back." She couldn't help but giggle softly before letting the smile fade as she looked at herself.

"I knew this guy once..." she started, "He was pretty upfront about the way he felt about me, but... It was weird, you know? Like, he never wanted to label it – it was like I was committed to the thought of being with him, but all I was to him was arm candy. And this was like, two days after we got the call that we were on this tour and I met him at a show we were playing to celebrate and he seemed really cool and like he was really into me and we started hanging out as much as we could before I left, but... He would never tell other girls he was seeing me... Like, we were definitely dating, but it was like he didn't want to tell people we were." There was a questioning tone in her voice – like she was still confused at the fact. "And I don't know," she shook her head, straightening the last few pieces of her hair, "I guess that was why I got emotional during If You Don't Know – it just reminded me too much of him... If I had known that was gonna happen, I definitely wouldn't have picked that song," she chuckled lightly, turning off her straightener. "So yeah," she said, turning to me and showing me the shy smile on her face, "Sorry I didn't tell you that when you asked... And I'm sorry I got mad at you about it..."

I didn't respond right away, but I did get and wrap my arms around her waist. I felt her let out a breath as her own arms went around my neck and her face found my shoulder, hugging me tightly. We hugged for a couple minutes before I finally spoke again.

"When do you want to label us?" I asked her, "Because I'll be ready whenever you are." I felt her smile slightly, her arms squeezing me.

"You haven't even taken me on a proper date yet," she murmured into my shirt.

"Do you want to go right now?" I asked, pulling back to look at her so she knew I was being serious, "We can go get lunch."

"And then ice cream?" she asked hopefully, making me laugh.

"You are a child," I told her.

"Calum, I sing Disney songs at every soundcheck," she rolled her eyes, "Tell me something I don't know."

"You're very pretty, and I like you a lot, and I hope this date goes by fast because I really want you to be my girlfriend."

"I already knew all those things too," she snickered.

I instantly started tickling her sides, making her squeal loudly but it was quickly cut off by my lips hitting hers. I felt her smile, her hands moving up to my cheeks and holding me there as if I even wanted to be anywhere else.

"I hope it does too, Cal," she whispered into the kiss, making me smile as well and kiss her harder.


Title: "Walls" by All Time Low

Even If You Don't // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now