Chapter 14: I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye to Another Night

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Mari's POV

"Mari," I heard someone sing, "Time to wake up." I let out a soft whine, turning myself so my back was facing whoever it was – I just woke up from my nap; I can't tell. They chuckled under their breath before pulling the curtain of my bunk open further. "C'mon, princess," they said, letting me know it was Calum, "You're needed for soundcheck."

"Tell Ash to do it," I replied, my voice muffled by my pillow. He laughed a little louder that time.

"I think that defeats the whole purpose, baby girl – you and Ash are completely different drummers."

"I'm better though, right?" I asked, finally turning to lay on my back so I could look at him.

"Of course you are," Calum smiled, leaning over to press a kiss to my cheekbone, "Now, come on. If you get up now, I'll carry you to the stage."

"You really know how to win a girl's heart, Hood," I rolled my eyes but got up anyway.

"Got you out of bed, didn't it?" he smirked.

Calum turned away from me, allowing me to hop onto his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck – careful not to choke him – and laid my head on his shoulder. I reached down when he got to the door, opening it so he could get off the bus and then pushing it closed when he was on the pavement, as well as opening the venue door when he got there. As he was walking through the hallway, I was breathing in and out deeply, apparently worrying Calum.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, his hand squeezing my thigh gently. I didn't directly answer the question –I just pressed a kiss to the skin where his shoulder met his neck.

"You smell good," I murmured, hearing him smile.

"I smell the way I always do, princess," he reminded me.

"Doesn't mean you don't smell good," I sassed, kissing him again. He didn't respond that time, but I did hear him chuckle softly as we entered the room where the stage was.


Later that night

We had just finished our third song and went into the talking bit. This was the second time we had a crowd of well over 10,000 people and we were absolutely ecstatic. Being on the tour for a few months before we hit the United States, a lot more people were now fans of our band and could actually sing every word of our songs with us – and we loved hearing our lyrics screamed back at us.

"You all sound amazing, by the way!" Kenzie chirped, making the crowd cheer.

"Yeah! We're so relieved as well!" Vanessa nodded, "I think every other country's perception of America is that they're lazy."

"I think that's just because our American is," Kaylynn snickered.

"I'm putting in my resignation – effective immediately," I stated as everyone laughed along, "I don't wanna be in this band anymore. If anyone in the crowd is a drummer and you feel like putting up with daily verbal abuse, find one of them-" I motioned to the three girls in front of me. "-after the show because I quit."

"You can't quit until after this song, Mar," Kenzie giggled.

"Yeah, you've been waiting to do this one since we started this tour," Vanessa chimed in.

"You guys didn't even let me pick my solo! The song is about an American girl, I'm an American girl... I think I should have gotten to pick my solo," I said, making the crowd scream as they now knew what song we were doing for we 5SOS cover.

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