Chapter 8

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Ricks pov.

I woke up before sunrises to Shane knocking at my tent.

"Rick Come out here we need to discuss this." He said.

I sighed, knowing he was against going to the CDC. He was my best friend and second in command here so I might as well listen to him. I walked out and nodded at him and we walked into the woods a bit. He turned to me,

"Look we've had no problems here. Not one walker. I think we should stay." He said.

"We lost Sophia to walkers." I reminded him.

"That was when we were on the highway and you know that. Our chances are good up here." He said.

Well he did have a point.

"Just wait a few more days, if anything happens we will leave" Shane said.

I sighed,"ya ok"

He smiled and went around telling everyone about the new plan. I walked into daryl and Kayla's tent to tell them, but they weren't there. My heart started pounding. No. I could not have lost her in just one day! I started running around the camp asking anyone if they saw them. All said no. Daryl was missing too. That gave me some hope. "Kayla!" I yelled, but no response. Please no. I continued running around like a crazy person until I saw her. I smiled knowing she was safe. Then I saw daryl walking with her. He was actually smiling? What is this? I caught her attention and she smiled at me. I smiled back and daryl gave me a look. I walked up to him and kayla walked off.

"We decided to stay here for a few more days." I told him.

He nodded and looked off to the direction kayla went.

I smiled," thanks for keepin her safe."

"Dumb bitch ran out in the woods in the middle of the night with a flashlight looking for er brother. Wouldn't come back and she'd kick and scream if I tried so I stayed with er." He sad.

He was with her all night? Wow. I know he really didn't think she was a bitch. It was part of his tough guy appearance and I wasn't gonna question it.

"Where's carol?" He asked.

"Rv." I said.

He nodded and walked away. I turned looking for Carl. I saw him and kayla laughing on the ground. She's just what he needed. Lori came up behind them and hugged her too. I smiled at my family. My boy and my girls.

A few days later.

Daryl's pov

I sat looking at the fire and back to kayla. I couldn't stop and it pissed me off. Kayla always stayed in a 10 foot radius of me and whenever I went out to hunt, she wanted to go with me or followed. I acted like it bothered me, but in all honesty it didn't. I was awoken from my thoughts as carol sat next to me. Shit

"You give up too?" She asked.

I gave her a confused and annoyed look.

"On Sophia?" She asked.

"Never" I mumbled.

"You used to be out looking for her everyday. Ever since the girl.." She started today but I cut her off.


She looked confused,"ok ever since kayla got here you haven't gone out looking for her. You've stayed by her side."

That pissed me off. Sure it was true, I had stopped lookin for Sophia. I just felt very protective of kayla and honestly forgot.

"So what! Shouldn't you be the one out there looking? Sophia isn't mine!" I yelled.

She cowered back and I caught the attention of some of the group members. Including kayla. She looked worried. What the fuck girl? I was pissed so I stormed out in the woods. How dare that bitch accuse me of that! She should be searching for Sophia not me! She's her god damn mom! Also she was right! The damn girl had been distracting me! well not no more! i paced back and forth till I heard a branch break from behind me. I quickly aimed my crossbow and turned. It wasn't a walker. Dammit kayla! I lowered my crossbow and scoffed at her while turning away. I did not want to see her right now. She needs to stay away when I'm pissed.

"You ok?" She asked stepping towards me.

I rolled my eyes at er,"go away"

I was already pissed and I know the longer she stayed, the more of my aggression was gonna come out on her.

"Daryl." She sighed. I felt a hand on my arm. I flinched and yanked it away from her hard. I turned to er and saw her eyes filled with worry. I don't understand why that made me even more mad.

"Get the hell away from me! Stop following me around like Somme damn lost puppy! I'm tired of you! Ya do nothing except follow people! You're useless!" I yelled.

I saw the tears in her eyes," you dont mean that"

That just pissed me off," o yea? You're nothing! Ain't got. No father no brother! No one cares! Be better if you just leave! Let us worry bout Sophia. Not you. Just leave!"

That got her. My eyes got wide. i actually couldnt believe i said that. dammit! I knew that would work to keep her Away from me. I knew none of that what I just said did I mean. She made me feel things and I hated her for it. Before I could say anything to er she ran away back to camp. Shit! I'm an idiot! I was so mad at myself and punched a tree. Punched it hard. I looked at my knuckles to see blood. Shit. I shook my head, I'll worry bout her later. I started goin deeper into the woods,


The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now