Chapter 31

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The next night. (Ricks pov)

After losing dale, all I could think of was getting Randall out of our lives. We decided not to kill him because that's what dale would've wanted. It wasn't sitting too well with Shane and I knew it wasn't with daryl either, but at least he kept his mouth closed about it. Kayla was nervous, you could tell she kept her guard up with everyone. I nodded my head In the direction of the barn to daryl and he followed me.

"we're about ready to take him. You ready?" I asked.

He looked to kayla who was standing next to Maggie on the porch. He still hasn't talked to her that I know of.

"yah I'm ready." He grunted.

we began walking when we were cut off from screams,"Rick! Rick!"

i turned and saw my best friend coming out of the woods. Bloody and beaten. Daryl and I ran up to him along with the rest of the group.

daryls pov

"Randall escaped! I chased after him and he jumped me!" Shane explained.

Fuck! Can't catch a break! That little prick is probably makin his way back to his group. Hell no! My gaze turned to kayla. She was frozen and her breathing started picking up. I nudged her arm and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I pointed to the inhaler in her pocket that Herschel had given to her. She looked where I was pointing and nodded her head in thanks to me as she took the medicine. I needed to get out there and find him. I promised she'd be safe and I ain't break-in that promise now.

"which way he go?" I asked.

"I'll show you." He said.

"I'm coming with you." Kayla said.

i turned to her like she was crazy," the hell you are! Ya couldn't be out there for more than a minute without havin a damn panic attack!"

"I'd have a worse one here worrying about your dumb ass!" She screamed.

I looked at the girl. She worried about me? I was the real reason she had such a bad one last time? I looked to Rick for help. He sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder,

"look I know you want to help, but I need you here. I need you to watch Carl."

"doesn't he have a mother for that?" She spat back.

alright not gonna lie. That was hot.

"Kayla please. I know what you're feeling. I can't have you going out there when the other members of his group may be there too" He sighed.

realization hit her and she just nodded. She looked at me and then Rick whispered something in her ear that made her smile and nod. They both looked to me and smiled as she walked to Carl. I gave a confused stare at Rick and he just sho his head.

"alright, Shane, daryl, Glenn. Let's go." He said and we headed off to the woods.

kaylas pov

"I promise I'll bring him back" Rick whispered in my ear causing me to smile.

Hearing that I guess made me feel a little bit at ease. Its been about a half hour since they left and my attention was fully focused in the woods. I knew daryl could take care of himself, but it was Shane who I didn't trust. Carl noticed my worry,

"you wanna go look for him?"

I looked to him and sighed," it's not him I'm worried about."

"you think dads in trouble?" He asked.

i sighed,"if that group that Randall's in is out there then they all are."

he jumped up,"we gotta go get him!"

"Carl no. I'm sorry I scared you just sit back down." I said.

"No! I'm going to get my dad back with or without you!" He said and started running off towards the woods. Shit.

"Carl!" I yelled running after him.

daryls pov

China man and I made it back to the house and walked up on the porch where everyone was. I looked to find kayla wasn't in the room which worried me for a sec, but neither was Carl. I remember Rick told her to watch em and that's where she'll be.

"we found Randall. He was a walker." Glenn sighed.

"did he get bit?"Andrea asked.

"no. Died cause of a broken neck." I scoffed.

"how's that possible?" Carol asked.

i just rolled my eyes," followed two sets of tracks for a while. When it came to an end looked like there was a fight."

"wait are you saying Shane killed Randall?" Maggie asked.

"looks like it. Said he got jumped, but hell that boy doesn't weigh anymore than Carl does. No way he could've caused any damage to Shane." I said.

At the sound of Carl's name, Lori went inside to find him. Stupid bitch needs to step up, he's not Kayla's responsibility. I was eager to see her though.

"so you're sayin Rick is out there alone with him?" Carol asked.

"daryl can you go get him?" Maggie asked.

i only agreed cause I know how much it would kill kayla if Shane killed him. I started to walk away when I heard Lori come back out,

"I can't find Carl!"

My eyes got wide, if Carl was missin so was kayla. My heart started pounding.

"He wouldn't go after Rick would he?" Carol asked.

"Oh my gosh." Maggie gasped.

i looked at the farm girl confused and then turned to the direction she was starring. A herd. Bigger than I have ever seen before. Shit.

"we gotta go!" Glenn yelled grabbing Maggie.

"we gotta find Carl!" Lori protested.

Carol screamed grabbing loris hand and rushing her to a car,

"he was with kayla! they are probably both with Rick!"

thats what I was afraid of. Dammit woman! Then I heard a noise and we all froze. a gunshot.


The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now