Chapter 12

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Kayla's pov

It's been a couple weeks and we now lived on a farm with Herschel and his daughters. I had gotten very close with Maggie and Rick had basically become my father figure. It felt amazing, as if I had my family back. I stopped going out in the woods with my flashlight about the third day here. i guess you could say i gave up. i needed to move on, i know its what he would want. One night by the fire, Glenn had found a guitar,

"anyone know how play?"

No one answered.

" aww come on someone has to." He wined.

"Otis did " Patricia sulked.

We lost Otis when he went into town with Shane to get supplies for Carl. Truly no one knew how to play. Then I thought something,

" I have a mixed cd. Maybe we could pull up a car and play it so people could hear the music.

Everyone was silent and they looked to Herschel who was all smiles,

" that would be a splendid idea."

I smiled and Rick got up and held out a hand for me,

"common lets to get a car."

I smiled and gladly took it and he pulled me up. We ran to Glenn's car and I ran and grabbed the cd. We drove it back and parked it next to our fire. I put in the cd and put the volume up just enough so everyone could hear. I took into account the volume so we didn't attract walkers. Everyone was havin a great time, some even got up and began dancing. I only laughed. Carl got up and pulled me to start dancing with him. We all laughed as Beth, Maggie, carol, and Lori joined in.

Daryl's pov

I watched as everyone began dancing to Kayla's cd while i fiddled with one of my arrows.CArl grabbed kayla and pulled her to dance with him. She did and soon all the other girls began to dance too. Why girls like to dance is beyond me. Could never dance and will never dance. But for the first time Kayla had an actual smile on her face and was laughing which made me smile. Shit daryl stop! You don't like her! Get ahold of yourself! I mentally slapped myself and returned to my straight face only to have it interrupted again when I looked at the women and Carl dancing. Just seeing kayla like that wouldn't let me keep a straight face. I had a smirk on my face and tried once again to wipe it off before someone saw. Someone cleared their throat next to me. Shit. I turned to look at Rick who was just lookin at the girls with a smile on his face.

"What do you want" I grunted.

"Oh nothing" he said with a smile which said something else.

We sat silent for a minute till he spoke again,

"she's pretty isn't she?"

I looked at him and said nothing and he just laughed and shook his head. Then the fast song they were listening to ended and an all too familiar song came on. Me and you. They stopped dancin and I saw Glenn go up to Maggie, carl with beth, shane took andrea, herschel took patricia, dale took carol, and they began slow dancin. Kayla smiled and turned to sit on a log. Rick looked from her to me and smiled.

"What?" I asked knowing what he meant but I made it sound like I was clueless and annoyed.

He just shook his head and put down his water and made his way over to Lori and grabbed her hand and began slow dancing. He gave a look and I ignored him. I looked to kayla and saw her just sitting there and smiling at the couples. Shit. Daryl don't. No! It was like my feet had a mind of their own. I put the arrow I was workin on on the ground and walked behind kayla and tapped her shoulder.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now